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Five screens TV, Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, look out Marketers, Future is here!

There is so much unbe­liev­able and inter­est­ing con­tent out there nowa­days that adver­tis­ers are going crazy try­ing to fig­ure out ways to cap­i­tal­ize on all of it. Cur­rent­ly there isn’t a stan­dard met­ric for a mor­ph­ing view­ing indus­try. There needs to be a sin­gle-source mea­sure­ment for every pos­si­ble con­tent inter­face, tablet, mobile, stream­ing, etc., with­out it mar­keters are going to have a hell of time.

Adver­tis­ing is in a dire need to rede­fine what TV is. TV net­works throw back at least %50 of their rev­enue to pro­duce orig­i­nal pro­gram­ming, they real­ize that stream­ing is huge for their TV audi­ences and brands. Let’s not for­get how the new prac­tice of binge TV watch­ing has set record break­ing results for new pro­grams and sport events. Net­works have kept on top of the chang­ing medi­ums for view­ing the mate­r­i­al, wher­ev­er and when­ev­er and by doing so have seem surges in view­er­ship. Stream­ing is a brand builder for TV, it cre­ates fans, new and old, gets peo­ple engaged, espe­cial­ly when adding social net­work­ing into the fray.

Mind you a lot of these stream­ing ser­vices don’t do the adver­tis­ing thing, but mar­keters always seem to fig­ure out way to sneak in there. It’s crit­i­cal to see that the device is not the content.
TV view­ers are pur­su­ing their favorite con­tent on the best avail­able device. In doing so, view­ers extend TV’s reach across today’s full range of video-view­ing devices and con­duits.  It’s a sea change, evo­lu­tion, not rev­o­lu­tion. In the ear­li­er days TV opened with spon­sor­ships, well now the next fron­tier of cre­ativ­i­ty in adver­tis­ing could be opt-in ads to dynam­ic ads to ads that aren’t ads at all.

Think about the fact that Google keeps increas­ing its adver­tis­ing rev­enue even though they are mak­ing less mon­ey per ad. The pric­ing-ver­sus-sup­ply trend is a prob­lem the com­pa­ny has tried to fix. Why is this? CFO Patrick Pichette, who is leav­ing Google says it’s Youtube’s fault. Peo­ple can just click past the ads. Although “We are expe­ri­enc­ing strength in mobile search, and the [prices per ad click] in our core search busi­ness are con­tin­u­ing to grow year-over-year,” Mr. Pichette said.

How about the fact that Face­book now claims to aver­age 4 bil­lion video views a day. Last Sep­tem­ber they only claimed a bil­lion. YouTube no longer reports its total dai­ly video views, but the Google-owned video ser­vice said in Jan­u­ary 2012 that it had notched 4 bil­lion dai­ly video views. Well then, guess who’s catch­ing up? Face­book announced on Thurs­day a brand­ed-video pro­gram called Anthol­o­gy that will have pub­lish­ers and dig­i­tal video pro­duc­ers includ­ing The Onion, Elec­tus Dig­i­tal, Oh My Dis­ney, Vice, Vox Media, Tastemade and Fun­ny or Die. They are all cre­at­ing videos for adver­tis­ers in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Facebook’s Cre­ative Shop. These would run as ads on the social network.

When you try to pic­ture what’s hap­pen­ing here, it could make Face­book big­ger than Youtube as the go-to des­ti­na­tion for dig­i­tal-video adver­tis­ing. Hence, putting a major dent in Google’s rev­enues. The whole rea­son mar­keters would look to Face­book as an out­let is because Face­book has all the data on what their peo­ple already watch and want to watch. Com­pa­nies can you use this data to their advantage.

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