A CapiÂtol Reporter job is now available.
If the top beat in news covÂerÂage today is polÂiÂtics then you can start at the top.
Coastal TeleÂviÂsion HoldÂings ComÂpaÂny LLC is lookÂing for a CapiÂtol Reporter.
This could be your Dream Job covÂerÂing FedÂerÂal, State and Local Politics.
As a CapiÂtol reporter your job will take you from Las Vegas to WashÂingÂton DC, AlasÂka, GeorÂgia, NevaÂda and Wyoming.
You will be workÂing with a develÂopÂing News Bureau covÂerÂing mulÂtiÂple State and FedÂerÂal PolÂiÂtics.
Who is Coastal TeleÂviÂsion Broadcasting?
FoundÂed in 2008 and headÂquarÂtered in AnchorÂage, AlasÂka, Coastal TeleÂviÂsion BroadÂcastÂing HoldÂings LLC is engaged in the operÂaÂtion and acquiÂsiÂtion of teleÂviÂsion broadÂcastÂing staÂtions locatÂed in mid-to-small sized marÂkets. Coastal TV owns and operÂates KTBY, KFNB, KLWY and WLOV, the FOX BroadÂcast affilÂiÂates in AnchorÂage, AK, Casper, WY, Cheyenne, WY and TupeÂlo, MS, respectively.
Coastal TV also proÂvides adverÂtisÂing sales and othÂer serÂvices under arrangeÂments with KYUR (the ABC affilÂiÂate) and KYUR-DT.2 (the CW Plus affilÂiÂate) in AnchorÂage, AK.
Under an agreeÂment between Coastal TV and the ownÂer of KATN, KATN-DT.2 and KATN-DT.3 in FairÂbanks, AlasÂka, and KJUD, KJUD-DT.2 and KJUD-DT.3 in Juneau, AlasÂka, Coastal TV proÂvides cerÂtain of the staÂtions’ non-netÂwork proÂgramÂming. KATN and KJUD are the ABC affilÂiÂates in FairÂbanks and Juneau, respecÂtiveÂly. KATN-DT.2 and KJUD-DT.2 are the FOX BroadÂcast affilÂiÂates in FairÂbanks and Juneau, respecÂtiveÂly. KATN-DT.3 and KJUD-DT.3 are the CW Plus affilÂiÂate in FairÂbanks and Juneau, respectively.
Coastal TV also proÂvides serÂvices under arrangeÂments with the ownÂers of KTWO and KKTQ, ABC affilÂiÂates in Casper and Cheyenne, WY, respecÂtiveÂly, and the OwnÂers of KGWC, the CBS affilÂiÂate in Casper, WY.
What is the job?
This CapiÂtol Reporter job will be locatÂed in FabÂuÂlous Las Vegas NevaÂda with travÂel assignÂments specifÂiÂcalÂly withÂin a mulÂti-state area supÂportÂing our news netÂwork. Areas of assignÂment include AlasÂka, GeorÂgia, NevaÂda, Wyoming and WashÂingÂton DC.
AssignÂments are PolitÂiÂcal ReportÂing, IntiÂmate InterÂviews along with develÂopÂing lastÂing relaÂtionÂships with politÂiÂcal leadÂers and perÂsons of interÂest built on trust and credibility.
ProÂducÂing and fillÂing in to Anchor, along with parÂticÂiÂpatÂing in and proÂducÂing weekÂly politÂiÂcal proÂgrams creÂatÂed and hostÂed by you, and your colÂleagues, are a benÂeÂfit to this position.
We’re lookÂing for a dedÂiÂcatÂed reporter who works well indeÂpenÂdentÂly, has good critÂiÂcal thinkÂing skills, and who isn’t conÂtent to sit and wait for a pubÂlic inforÂmaÂtion offiÂcer to call you back.
Must be techÂniÂcal in nature and able to conÂnect with potenÂtial interÂvieÂwees by many difÂferÂent methÂods othÂer than a perÂsonÂal visit.
As a PolitÂiÂcal Bureau Reporter, you are responÂsiÂble for makÂing conÂtacts with comÂmuÂniÂty leadÂers and develÂopÂing your own stoÂry ideas. You must be a self-starter who can meet deadÂlines withÂout supervision!
A degree in jourÂnalÂism is required, PolitÂiÂcal SciÂence or studÂies is a welÂcomed addition.
PrefÂerÂence is not entry levÂel, howÂevÂer we will conÂsidÂer anyÂone demonÂstratÂing the qualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions and eduÂcaÂtion as described.
Must be well versed in shootÂing, editÂing, newsÂroom expeÂriÂence, and the abilÂiÂty to work well with othÂers. Be a team playÂer and leave the newsÂroom draÂma behind.
When applyÂing, please include a link to your reel on your resume.
You must have a good driÂving record.
Resumes can be emailed to jobs@frontrangetelevision.com
Coastal TeleÂviÂsion is an equal opporÂtuÂniÂty employer.