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how to get a job by september

6 Steps to Turbocharge your Job Search by September

Job Search is nev­er easy.  With Sep­tem­ber just around the cor­ner, you might be feel­ing the pres­sure to secure a posi­tion. How­ev­er, with the right strate­gies and a focused approach, you can sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhance your chances. Here are six essen­tial job search steps you can

QVC On Air Host Full Time Job

QVC is Hiring Full-time Program Hosts

Pro­gram Hosts Need­ed QVC, the leader in video com­merce and mul­ti­plat­form shop­ping, is search­ing for can­di­dates to be a part of their on-air team as Full-time Pro­gram Hosts. To qual­i­fy for this role, can­di­dates should have pri­or host­ing expe­ri­ence on tele­vi­sion, dig­i­tal plat­forms, or live

Journalist Needed as a Regional Manager for Report for America

Journalist Job: Regional Manager for Report for America

The world of Jour­nal­ism is chang­ing. There are less and less Jour­nal­ist jobs to tell the world’s sto­ries. GroundTruth’s mis­sion is to serve under-cov­­ered com­mu­ni­ties by sup­port­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of jour­nal­ists to do on-the-ground report­ing and to advance sus­tain­abil­i­ty, inno­va­tion and equi­ty in journalism

Digital Media Analyst Maryland

Digital Media Analyst in Maryland

If you enjoy social media and have two years’ expe­ri­ence in social media man­age­ment and analy­sis then the Dig­i­tal Media Ana­lyst could be a great job for you. Are you look­ing for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lead change and dri­ve per­for­mance? Are you ready to work with