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Why is Hipstamatic back, and why should you even care?

Why is Hipstamatic back, and why should you even care?

Hip­sta­mat­ic is an app that was launched back in Decem­ber of 2011 as D‑Series. It was one of the first in the pho­to app mar­ket to intro­duce lo-fi instant cam­era or vin­tage aes­thet­ics from any era to your pho­tos. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it was blown out of

Want the best seats in the house, then get on that SeatGeek tip!

Want the best seats in the house, then get on that SeatGeek tip!

Russ D’Souza and Jack Groet­zinger left easy-breezy jobs doing man­age­ment con­sult­ing back in 2008. They’d known each oth­er since 2003, both attend­ing Dart­mouth Col­lege and run­ning a fur­ni­ture rental busi­ness togeth­er. Meet­ing dai­ly in a Boston cof­fee shop and com­mit­ting to get a start­up plan

Want a Real Perspective on the Future of Digital Media jobs, Near Field Communication!

The Hottest Digital Media Jobs Nobody Ever Thought of

So if you’ve been think­ing about the kinds of media jobs that will be big in the future. How about those that will be a par­a­digm shift in human behav­iors? Con­sid­er this fore­cast from Magna Glob­al, World-wide ad rev­enue will grow 4.8% to $536 billion

Mobile advertising startup mNectar lets consumers test-fly apps

Mobile adver­tis­ing start­up mNec­tar has recent­ly tak­en a big step for­ward in its mis­sion to change the way we relate to mobile apps. The San Fran­­cis­­co-based com­pa­ny was found­ed in 2012, and ear­li­er this month closed a Series A round amount­ing to $7 mil­lion dollars

NY based StrikeAd ramps up APAC operations with new GM

Mobile adver­tis­ing start­up StrikeAd is tak­ing a big leap for­ward with a new gen­er­al man­ag­er, Ryan Mur­ray, for its Sin­ga­pore and APAC office. Smarter mobile adver­tis­ing for smarter agen­cies Peo­ple with media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies will almost cer­tain­ly have heard of this New

Mobile advertising spend will outstrip digital rivals by 2016

The lat­est fore­cast for US media ad spend­ing from eMar­keter pre­dicts that mobile adver­tis­ing will sur­pass all oth­er dig­i­tal ads by 2016. An his­toric over­take Mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies will have their work cut out for them, it seems: over the next two years, mobile ad spending