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On Air Program Host for QVC 3rd Largest Ecommerce Company

QVC is hir­ing a Full Time On Air Pro­gram Host

About QVC®

QVC is a world leader in video com­merce across broad­cast, stream­ing, mobile, and social plat­forms, offer­ing engag­ing, inter­ac­tive shop­ping expe­ri­ences for mil­lions of peo­ple world­wide and large audi­ences for thou­sands of vendors.

QVC deliv­ers the joy of dis­cov­ery through the pow­er of rela­tion­ships. Every day, QVC engages mil­lions of shop­pers in a jour­ney of dis­cov­ery through an ever-chang­ing col­lec­tion of famil­iar brands and fresh new prod­ucts, from home and fash­ion to beau­ty, elec­tron­ics, and jewelry.

Along the way, QVC con­nects shop­pers to inter­est­ing per­son­al­i­ties, engag­ing sto­ries, and award-win­ning cus­tomer service.

Based in West Chester, Pa., and found­ed in 1986, QVC has retail oper­a­tions in the U.S., the U.K., Ger­many, Japan, and Italy. World­wide, QVC reach­es 218 mil­lion homes via its 12 broad­cast net­works and reach­es mil­lions more via mul­ti­ple stream­ing ser­vices, web­sites, mobile apps, and social pages. To learn more, vis­it, fol­low @QVC on Face­bookInsta­gram, or Twit­ter, or fol­low QVC on Pin­ter­estYouTube, or LinkedIn.

Qurate Retail, Inc. (NASDAQ: QRTEA, QRTEB, QRTEP) includes QVC, HSN®, Zulily® and the Cor­ner­stone brands (col­lec­tive­ly, “Qurate Retail GroupSM”), as well as oth­er minor­i­ty inter­ests and green ener­gy invest­ments. Qurate Retail Group believes in a Third Way to Shop® – beyond trans­ac­tion­al ecom­merce or tra­di­tion­al brick-and-mor­tar stores.

In addi­tion to being a world leader in video com­merce, Qurate Retail Group is among the top ecom­merce retail­ers in North Amer­i­ca (accord­ing to Dig­i­tal Com­merce 360) and is a leader in mobile com­merce and social commerce.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it, fol­low @QurateRetailGrp on Face­bookInsta­gram or Twit­ter, or fol­low Qurate Retail Group on YouTube or LinkedIn. QVC and Q are reg­is­tered ser­vice marks of ER Marks, Inc.

QVC Needs a Full Time Pro­gram Host 

QVC has launched a nation­al search for a Full Time Pro­gram Host to add to its already exist­ing and grow­ing on-air team. The Full-Time posi­tion is locat­ed in West Chester, PA. All hires must be will­ing to relo­cate to sub­ur­ban Philadel­phia for the oppor­tu­ni­ty. QVC broad­casts 24 hours a day, and all inter­est­ed can­di­dates must will­ing to work all shifts includ­ing overnights and weekends.

QVC is inter­est­ed in Hosts who are mas­ter­ful sto­ry­tellers with a pas­sion for lifestyle prod­ucts, shop­ping and con­nect­ing with people. 

You should be influ­en­tial, cred­i­ble and trust­wor­thy with the abil­i­ty to share prod­uct knowl­edge and infor­ma­tion with pas­sion and con­fi­dence. QVC Hosts are enthu­si­as­tic, sin­cere, and authen­tic in their rela­tion­ship and con­nec­tion with the viewers.

Can you Impro­vise and Engage? 

Can­di­dates should be quick on their feet with the abil­i­ty to impro­vise, engage and enter­tain. Host should be curi­ous, friend­ly, warm, and relat­able with an ele­vat­ed sense of style and an inspir­ing zest for life.


Full-time posi­tions are locat­ed in West Chester, PA.  All hires must be will­ing to relo­cate, and you must be avail­able to work all shifts includ­ing overnights and weekends.

How to Apply 

Inter­est­ed can­di­dates should email a let­ter of inter­est and recent­ly updat­ed resume along with a pho­to or head­shot and any video links of your host­ing work to Cast­ing Director,

Sean De Simone at

Please make sure to include a tele­phone num­ber, email address and the city and state where you are cur­rent­ly locat­ed in your submission.