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Multi Media Journalists Needed in Wyoming

They need Mul­ti Media Jour­nal­ists in Wyoming.

If you’re look­ing for a dynam­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty in tele­vi­sion news than you may want to con­sid­er work­ing in Wyoming.

For those just at the begin­ning of their career this entry lev­el posi­tion could be a great plat­form to build a career upon.

Even bet­ter your work will be part of a news­room that is con­nect­ed to a nation­al news network.

Coastal Tele­vi­sion Hold­ings Com­pa­ny LLC has open­ings for Mul­ti Media Jour­nal­ists with loca­tions in Casper Wyoming.

Who is Coastal Tele­vi­sion Broadcasting?

Found­ed in 2008 and head­quar­tered in Anchor­age, Alas­ka, Coastal Tele­vi­sion Broad­cast­ing Hold­ings LLC is engaged in the oper­a­tion and acqui­si­tion of tele­vi­sion broad­cast­ing sta­tions locat­ed in mid-to-small sized mar­kets. Coastal TV owns and oper­ates KTBY, KFNB, KLWY and WLOV, the FOX Broad­cast affil­i­ates in Anchor­age, AK, Casper, WY, Cheyenne, WY and Tupe­lo, MS, respectively.

Coastal TV also pro­vides adver­tis­ing sales and oth­er ser­vices under arrange­ments with KYUR (the ABC affil­i­ate) and KYUR-DT.2 (the CW Plus affil­i­ate) in Anchor­age, AK.

Under an agree­ment between Coastal TV and the own­er of KATN, KATN-DT.2 and KATN-DT.3 in Fair­banks, Alas­ka, and KJUD, KJUD-DT.2 and KJUD-DT.3 in Juneau, Alas­ka, Coastal TV pro­vides cer­tain of the sta­tions’ non-net­work pro­gram­ming. KATN and KJUD are the ABC affil­i­ates in Fair­banks and Juneau, respec­tive­ly. KATN-DT.2 and KJUD-DT.2 are the FOX Broad­cast affil­i­ates in Fair­banks and Juneau, respec­tive­ly. KATN-DT.3 and KJUD-DT.3 are the CW Plus affil­i­ate in Fair­banks and Juneau, respectively.

Coastal TV also pro­vides ser­vices under arrange­ments with the own­ers of KTWO and KKTQ, ABC affil­i­ates in Casper and Cheyenne, WY, respec­tive­ly, and the Own­ers of KGWC, the CBS affil­i­ate in Casper, WY.

What is the Job?

Ide­al for an entry lev­el posi­tion with a short-term com­mit­ment of two years.

As a Mul­ti-Media Jour­nal­ist, you will sup­port the news­room work flow which is con­nect­ed to a much larg­er Nation­al News Net­work and grow­ing each day.

Using new and mod­ern oper­at­ing sys­tems, you will work in tan­dem with Nation­al News Ser­vices such as CNN, AP, ABC News One and FOX News Edge for news source and con­tent gathering.

Qual­i­fied can­di­dates must have a bachelor’s degree or high­er in broad­cast journalism.

Entry lev­el skills of News Gear to include oper­at­ing cam­eras, edit­ing, and pre­vi­ous news­room expe­ri­ence by way of work­ing in a news­room envi­ron­ment or internships.

We work well with oth­ers and so should you. This is a “News­room Dra­ma Free Zone.”

When apply­ing, please include a link to your reel on your resume. You must have a good dri­ving record.

Resumes can be emailed to

Coastal Tele­vi­sion is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty employer.