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Sr. New Product Manager - Simulmedia - Manhattan, NY

Sr. New Product Manager — Simulmedia — Manhattan, NY

Simul­me­dia is seek­ing a Sr. New Prod­uct Man­ag­er in Man­hat­tan. Simul­me­dia is the leader in help­ing adver­tis­ers and agen­cies take a dig­i­tal approach to reach their fine­ly tar­get­ed audi­ences on lin­ear TV at nation­al scale. The Simul­me­dia Audi­ence Net­work reach­es 110 mil­lion house­holds across the

Product Manager – Crowdtap in New York

Product Manager – Crowdtap in New York

Prod­uct Man­ag­er – Crowd­tap in New York Crowd­tap, is a star on the rise and prof­itable start­up; in search of a Prod­uct Man­ag­er for their New York office. At Crowd­tap, every team mem­ber spends every day mov­ing the busi­ness for­ward togeth­er, from engi­neer­ing to busi­ness development.

Why should you work at Skillshare?

Why should you work at Skillshare?

In 2011, a New York based start­up that goes by the name Skill­share launched a mas­sive, open online course approach, through inter­ac­tive, video-based lessons. The con­cept is to give peo­ple a real-world edu­ca­tion online and offline. You can find them think­ing big and work­ing hard