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Social Media Manager Jobs in New York

What are Today’s Hottest Social Media Jobs In New York?

New York is the top city in the world for Adver­tis­ing and Pub­lic Rela­tions. Social Media has become an inte­gral part of both of those worlds. So those look­ing for Social Media jobs such as Social Media Man­ag­er, Social Media Expert and many more should

Slidemail Email organization that thinks like you do

Email that Thinks like You Do — Slidemail

For those of you look­ing to get on board a fresh com­pa­ny that’s in the mobile game, keep read­ing. Slide­Mail is a new appli­ca­tion from Vu Tran, who found­ed the Y Com­bi­­na­­tor-backed com­pa­ny Frame­base. He’s teamed up with the design­ers from email app Mail­box, which

Here Media Programmatic Yield Manager, Los Angeles

Programmatic Yield Manager, Los Angeles

The Pro­gram­mat­ic Yield Man­ag­er will dri­ve the growth and opti­miza­tion of Here Media’s non-direct rev­enue. This posi­tion is a crit­i­cal mix of tech­ni­cal know-how, appli­ca­tion, sales and rate analy­sis. This indi­vid­ual will be close­ly involved in every aspect of ad serv­ing, inven­to­ry and non-direct revenue

Mobile Live-stream, Meerkat VS. Periscope, who will win?

Mobile Live-stream, Meerkat VS. Periscope, who will win?

So what’s new this week – LIVE Video broad­cast­ing. It’s the next step for the democ­ra­ti­za­tion of media. The real­i­ty is not every­one will broad­cast reg­u­lar­ly, every­one doesn’t blog either, but the truth of the mat­ter is folks spend hours watch­ing TV and tex­ting each other,

Audience is making your phone smarter than you!

Audience is making your phone smarter than you!

Audi­ence, a mak­er of voice pro­cess­ing chips for smart­phones has added a new com­po­nent to their proces­sor – motion. Audi­ence acquired Sen­sor plat­forms last year and inte­grat­ed their exist­ing voice proces­sor with motion sens­ing tech­nol­o­gy, there­by cre­at­ing the Audi­ence N100. Audi­ence is invent­ing a Natural