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Mobile Live-stream, Meerkat VS. Periscope, who will win?

So what’s new this week – LIVE Video broad­cast­ing. It’s the next step for the democ­ra­ti­za­tion of media.

The real­i­ty is not every­one will broad­cast reg­u­lar­ly, every­one doesn’t blog either, but the truth of the mat­ter is folks spend hours watch­ing TV and tex­ting each oth­er, plain and sim­ple! Why is this impor­tant you ask? DUH, because livestream­ing makes con­tent seem urgent and rel­e­vant like no oth­er medium.

Every­thing, and I mean EVERYTHING seems way more impor­tant in real-time. Let’s think about all the medi­ums that have evolved over the past 15 years thanks to instan­ta­neous pub­lish­ing. Text – Blog­ger, Word­Press and Medi­um. Pho­tos – Flickr, Insta­gram. Record­ing – Sound­cloud, Pod­casts. Video – Youtube, Vine, Snapchat. This being only a tip of the icing.

Mobile has changed every­thing, such as porta­bil­i­ty. You can just record in a bed­room and not just a stu­dio. High­er qual­i­ty video thanks to stronger mobile net­works, bet­ter cam­eras, and quan­tifi­able social audi­ences. The supreme ques­tion after all of this is who is going to deliv­er it?

Present­ly we have two com­pa­nies, one which didn’t exist beyond two weeks ago. Meerkat and Periscope. First, Meerkat cre­at­ed a broad­cast­ing inter­face that works with twit­ter. You don’t real­ly need to do any­thing except cre­ate the con­tent and post, Twit­ter does the rest. Prod­uct Hunt gave it props, there­by gen­er­at­ing tons of users across the spec­trum. Peo­ple have used it for gallery tours, pet fun­nies, sun­sets, you name it. Works very well with Twitter’s goal “To give every­one the pow­er to cre­ate and share ideas and infor­ma­tion instant­ly, with­out barriers.”

It might not be per­fect yet as a prod­uct, but it is build­ing a sub­stan­tial com­mu­ni­ty appeal and it’s build­ing that appeal day by day, it’ll only get big­ger and stronger.

Then you have a com­pa­ny called Periscope, which is a stream­lined livestream­ing app that is way below the radar. Some have said it’s one of the best apps they’ve used in a long while! Now here is the inter­est­ing fact, Twit­ter is in talks to buy them for $100 mil­lion. So either way it looks like Twit­ter is on the front of mak­ing live-stream­ing a def­i­nite fea­ture for their property.
With this, expect Youtube, Face­book, even Twitch to get on board. Snapchat is already doing the one to one video stream­ing, why not offer live broad­casts, right?

Get on board if you have any inter­est what­so­ev­er, video is going to dom­i­nate, but you knew that. Go and look into these two com­pa­nies, some­one is bound to float to the top.

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