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Email that Thinks like You Do — Slidemail

For those of you look­ing to get on board a fresh com­pa­ny that’s in the mobile game, keep read­ing. Slide­Mail is a new appli­ca­tion from Vu Tran, who found­ed the Y Com­bi­na­tor-backed com­pa­ny Frame­base. He’s teamed up with the design­ers from email app Mail­box, which Drop­box bought and is cre­at­ing an email app to help us with our bad email habits. They want to make going through our inbox a bet­ter expe­ri­ence, while also intel­li­gent­ly orga­niz­ing our mes­sages and alert­ing us to impor­tant meet­ings and oth­er events. Slide­Mail’s app tries to fig­ure out what in your email mat­ters to you, it watch­es your email activ­i­ty, learn­ing what you read, trash and archive, and then adapts to that behav­ior over time.

Tran says he ini­tial­ly cre­at­ed Slide­Mail to help with his own email issues, like over­look­ing impor­tant meet­ing requests because of the glut of junk emails. Slide­Mail can look through your emails and seek out dates, times, and oth­er phras­ing that indi­cates an upcom­ing event, or even a pend­ing flight. The app can remind you auto­mat­i­cal­ly about the event and even locate the des­ti­na­tion on a map for you, or bet­ter yet; when it detects a flight in an email it brings up the lat­est sched­ule. Tran says “Our play is to make the email expe­ri­ence more pleas­ant and more per­son­al, because your inbox is per­son­al, too.”

The app can iden­ti­fy between email receipts, newslet­ters, or per­son­al emails from peo­ple you know, mak­ing cat­e­go­riz­ing a breeze. The coolest aspect is the soft­ware can make judge­ments to help you speed up its own learn­ing curve by rec­om­mend­ing which emails to archive. It does this by pro­vid­ing a pop-up that hov­ers over your inbox when the app opens and ask you whether you want to archive or not. It adapts to you, if there are things you like read­ing, such as a spe­cif­ic newslet­ter, it will put it at the top of your list of priorities.

Pri­va­cy is also a con­cern with mobile email clients, all the con­tent is stored on the app local­ly, if you delete some­thing from Slide­Mail, it is gone for­ev­er, where­as oth­er com­pa­nies store a copy on the servers. In the future they are think­ing about adding encryp­tion as well. The app is free to down­load on iTunes, no Android ver­sion as of yet. They’ve been pri­vate­ly test­ing pri­or to the release and dis­cov­ered the app res­onat­ed more with non-tech­ni­cal peo­ple as opposed to hard core tech folk. Since this became appar­ent to the Slide­Mail team so quick­ly, they are gear­ing it more for the main­stream public.

Per­son­al­ly, I love when I hear about mobile com­pa­nies who are devel­op­ing semi-intel­li­gent soft­ware that tries to learn my behav­iors. It’s like hav­ing a wife; but on a seri­ous note, if you’re in the mar­ket for a com­pa­ny that seems to have real poten­tial, I would find out how to get in right away.