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QVC and Apple Watch team up — is this your new Friend or Foe situation?

QVC, the world’s fifth largest mobile mer­chant is ready to pro­mote on the Apple Watch as soon as it is avail­able on April 24th. QVC’s iPhone and iPad apps have seen 3 mil­lion down­loads and have received out­stand­ing reviews in the Apple App Store. So a cus­tomer can see QVC deals of the day and what is air­ing in real­time on the net­work right from their Apple Watch. They will still get all the prod­uct details, rat­ings and oth­er select content.

Shop­pers will be able to view the goods and what­ev­er they fan­cy can be direct­ed to their iPhones for deep­er inves­ti­ga­tion and pur­chase. When some­one turns on the phone, the QVC app will auto­mat­i­cal­ly open and go to the prod­uct page of the items they had select­ed through the watch. Over­all the whole point is to get the cus­tomer to see the prod­uct even when they’re not home. Apple refers to it as the “glance experience”.

Alex Miller says “ the Apple Watch con­firms and fur­thers a trend toward the frag­men­ta­tion of Inter­net use and online shop­ping that forces retail­ers to be more nim­ble and atten­tive than ever before to respond to devel­op­ments”. “QVC, for exam­ple, used to exclu­sive­ly be a TV expe­ri­ence. Then we expand­ed to the Inter­net, and then to mobile. Our iPad app now is focused on the ‘sec­ond screen expe­ri­ence’ for dis­cov­ery”. He even goes on to talk about how all home appli­ances and cars in near future will have dig­i­tal dis­plays and begin pro­mot­ing web-con­nect­ed content.

QVC says the over­all invest­ment in con­nect­ing the exist­ing iPhone App with the Apple Watch func­tion­al­i­ty using the Apple Watch Kit isn’t bad, even though they didn’t want to reveal the expense in mak­ing this hap­pen. As a start QVC is going to be very del­i­cate about what and how often the cus­tomer will receive the mes­sages to their per­son­al watch. The last thing they want is to be annoy­ing. As for right now, no Android con­nec­tiv­i­ty. Too many vari­ables in hard­ware and soft­ware and they know with cer­tain­ty Apple will be the first to mar­ket with one watch and one OS.

So if you fan­cy your­self a media “type” and are look­ing to work with the Apple or QVC con­sid­er approach­ing them from the watch side of things. It is obvi­ous­ly going to be a dis­tri­b­u­tion tool like no oth­er until we start get­ting ads direct­ly trans­mit­ted into our visu­al cor­tex. Maybe even con­sid­er learn­ing how to cre­ate Apps while you’re sit­ting at home send­ing out resumes to all these com­pa­nies, it can only help.

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