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What's the Programmatic Hype about Start Up HYPR

What’s the Programmatic Hype about Start Up HYPR

Look­ing for a job is very com­pet­i­tive. If you are only apply­ing to jobs online you will encounter sub­stan­tial com­pe­ti­tion. At our objec­tive is to make it as easy as pos­si­ble to find a job at a great com­pa­ny and with the least amount

New York Advertising Careers That will Make You Rich

For many recent New York City grad­u­ates, it can be a dif­fi­cult deci­sion decid­ing what type of adver­tis­ing careers to pur­sue. Accord­ing to the CNN Mon­ey, adver­tis­ing careers will increase 16.4 per­cent in the next 10 years. This increase is more than a 1.7 percent

Punched by a Hologram? Interactive Holograms you can feel.

Punched by a Hologram? Interactive Holograms you can feel.

Here’s the future for mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ers. Imag­ine dis­play­ing holo­graph­ic prod­ucts that you can not only touch but will react with you. Pic­ture a float­ing can of Coca-Cola that you could grab and pre­tend to drink, or a crispy pota­to chip you could place in

Five Timely Exclusive Advertising Executive Jobs in New York

New York is one of the best cities to find an exclu­sive exec­u­tive adver­tis­ing job because it is home to these top 10 adver­tis­ing agen­cies: Y&R, McCann World Group, dentsu, DDB, and Ogilvy & Math­er. Exec­u­tive jobs in adver­tis­ing are more lucra­tive than when Shelly