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New York Advertising Careers That will Make You Rich

For many recent New York City grad­u­ates, it can be a dif­fi­cult deci­sion decid­ing what type of adver­tis­ing careers to pur­sue. Accord­ing to the CNN Mon­ey, adver­tis­ing careers will increase 16.4 per­cent in the next 10 years. This increase is more than a 1.7 per­cent annu­al­ly over the next 10 years. Oth­er careers, such as a news­pa­per reporter or news cor­re­spon­dent will decline between 13 and 14 per­cent in the next ten years. News ana­lysts will see lit­tle change in the num­ber of ana­lysts work­ing in the field, only a 2 per­cent decline.

How do you choose the careers that will make you rich? There are sev­er­al fac­tors think about. Are you pas­sion­ate about your job? Choose a com­pa­ny, which will nur­ture that pas­sion, and allow you to have as much con­trol over the deci­sion process. Does your com­pa­ny sup­port you? This is a rea­son job seek­ers need to con­sid­er when choos­ing your career. Anoth­er rea­son some employ­ees may quit their adver­tis­ing jobs is they believe employ­ers are not using their talents.


Best employ­ees tai­lor their skills to their adver­tis­ing careers

The biggest thing I tell interns is to pick a cat­e­go­ry and fig­ure how to do it real­ly well,” said John McDougall, pres­i­dent of McDougall Inter­ac­tive Mar­ket­ing, in Dan­vers, Mass.

Careers in adver­tis­ing can be lucra­tive and well worth the degree, if cho­sen wise­ly. Mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar com­pa­nies, whose busi­ness is mak­ing con­sumer adver­tise­ments, receives six-fig­ures in rev­enue. For exam­ple, Google earned $69 bil­lion in rev­enue, in 2014, though it is unclear how much Google spends annu­al­ly on its adver­tis­ing. It is clear a mar­ket research ana­lyst was one of the top pay­ing jobs in 2014 and the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics expects this field to grow by 41 per­cent by 2020.

Why adver­tis­ing careers among the high­est paying?

Com­pa­nies con­tin­ue to drop large amounts on adver­tis­ing. In 2013, it is esti­mat­ed that Sam­sung spent $12.7 bil­lion on adver­tis­ing. Here is a look at five of the careers that will make you rich, should you pur­sue these adver­tis­ing careers at top companies.

  • CaratAna­lyst, Media Sys­tems – Ana­lyz­ing com­pa­nies and devel­op­ing the best ads to fit their cus­tomers is one on the best pay­ing jobs in adver­tis­ing. Accord­ing to Glass­door, the medi­an salary is between $51,000 and $105,000, depend­ing on the company.
  • Huge Pro­duc­er – In 2014, Huge’s rev­enue grew by a third to more than $185 mil­lion and expand­ed busi­ness with long-time clients Amer­i­can Express. There is no infor­ma­tion on how much a pro­duc­er makes at Huge, but its rival, R/GA pays pro­duc­ers, on aver­age, $93,000 annually.
  • AKQAMedia Super­vi­sor – This is a com­pa­ny that designed the world-famous Visa ad at the World Cup in 2014. The medi­an salary for this job ranges between $70,000 and $90,000.
  • Vayn­er Media – Art Direc­tor ‑The Com­pa­ny is billed as a social-first, “indie” com­pa­ny that is one of the hottest ad agen­cies in 2015, and a good place to work for those inter­est­ed in adver­tis­ing careers. Salary infor­ma­tion was not pro­vid­ed at Vayn­er Media, but com­pet­i­tive adver­tis­ers have paid their art direc­tors $83,000 annu­al­ly, and more than $115,000 a year.
  • MekanismBrand Strategist/Planner – Using humor and great sto­ry telling, this ad agency has some of the biggest cus­tomers: Aqua­fi­na, AMP Ener­gy, Star­bucks, and oth­ers. Medi­an salary for this posi­tion is $62,000 to $105,000 annually.

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