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Simulmedia Reimagines TV with Programmatic Advertising

Every­one wants to find a way to approach TV adver­tis­ing the same way pro­gram­mat­ic does for online adver­tis­ing. It appears Simul­me­dia has fig­ured out a con­cept that could make it pos­si­ble, Simul­me­dia has been a com­pa­ny look­ing to dis­rupt the indus­try for some time now and they are pret­ty sure this web-like data tar­get­ing is going do the trick.

The Simul­me­dia Audi­ence Net­work has a reach of 110 mil­lion TV homes through­out 84 nation­al cable net­works and tra­di­tion­al pay TV pro­gram­ming dis­trib­u­tors. They can ana­lyze TV’s sec­ond-by-sec­ond activ­i­ty for over 50 mil­lion view­ers, this way the can fig­ure out the best matrix for extend­ing the reach of cam­paigns to spe­cif­ic tar­get groups.

The notion is if you spend a mil­lion bucks on their ser­vice for a month, they will guar­an­tee a high­er Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Dave Mor­gan CEO of Simul­me­dia states “If we fall short on ROAS, we will make good on the per­cent of the bench­mark that we fall short, in the form of future media credits.”

They say they will work direct­ly with the adver­tis­er to fig­ure out the best solu­tions and out­comes. If you want to track the num­ber of peo­ple who are shop­ping and buy­ing, they can do that. The soft­ware Simul­me­dia uses is able to match up TV ad deliv­ery with cred­it card data for over 60 mil­lion house­holds in the U.S.

The com­pa­ny is going to be able to know when the ad is placed on a spe­cif­ic family’s TV view­ing time and then cross ref­er­ence their cred­it card pur­chas­es to see if there has been any effect to the buy­ing habit. It is a much more sophis­ti­cat­ed ad tar­get­ing plan and there­by hav­ing a more sci­en­tif­ic approach to exper­i­ment­ing with ads.

Mor­gan says “we want to change the media con­ver­sa­tion to busi­ness out­comes. While reach­ing TV audi­ences at scale is get­ting hard­er, we take the risk out by show­ing— and guar­an­tee­ing — that audi­ence tar­get­ing can and will impact sales and rev­enue.” Not an unwise approach to a total­ly new avenue to pro­gram­mat­ic TV adver­tis­ing. Some of you who are already deal­ing with ad sales and or pro­gram­mat­ic should look into what Simul­me­dia is doing, maybe even try and work with them.