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The Young Turks Youtube Channel is only one place to look for a job.

Have you thought about all the chan­nels on Youtube that start­ed out as lit­tle noth­ings and have blown up into major com­pa­nies. Imag­ine if you can get a job at one of these cool media orga­ni­za­tions from the ground up. Check out this com­pa­ny for instance the Young Turks.

Start­ing back in 2002 The Young Turks was the orig­i­nal talk show for satel­lite radio and has been the longest-run­ning dai­ly Web show live stream ever. It’s had plen­ty of expo­sure on oth­er net­works such as — Sir­ius XM, Air Amer­i­ca, MSNBC and Cur­rent TV — but it’s been online the whole time.

Cur­rent­ly it is the most pop­u­lar news chan­nel on Youtube, the net­work attracts over 75 mil­lion month­ly views from more than 3 mil­lion sub­scribers. The strat­e­gy is to not go aggre­gate every­body and try to win on the mar­gins; it’s try to build your own intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty and find dif­fer­ent rev­enue streams from that.

The audi­ence is over­whelm­ing­ly on Youtube but they do show their mate­r­i­al on oth­er sites like Hulu, Pluto.TV, Maker.TV and oth­er venues, but those num­bers are so small they don’t both­er to track it. CEO, Cenk Uygur says, “we are not just in the busi­ness of cre­at­ing con­tent for the Web. There’s no rea­son why it shouldn’t be on any and all plat­forms”. Yet since Young Turks is the #1 news chan­nel on Youtube, there is a sym­bi­ot­ic loy­al­ty to one another.

At present Young Turk has 5 times more view­ers on Youtube than CNN does, we’re talk­ing about a com­pa­ny that has bil­lions of dol­lars and a brand that has been around since 1980. Young Turk believes across the broad­er Inter­net, they will catch and pass them. They key to gain­ing atten­tion is that they hire real peo­ple to host these shows, not pup­pets of the networks.

Uygur states “These are pas­sion­ate peo­ple who tell sto­ries in a pas­sion­ate way. In a lim­it­ed pool of con­tent, dis­pas­sion­ate can work if every­one else is dis­pas­sion­ate as well. But on the Web, you need to be passionate”.

Now ask your­self, how many oth­er poten­tial media jobs are out there in Youtube-land look­ing to hire the right peo­ple, for the right job. Go look now.

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