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How many holes would you jump through to be a Social Media Manager for Dunkin Brands?

Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. is look­ing around Mass­a­chu­setts for a Social Media Man­ag­er to join the Dunkin’ Brands team! This includes Dunkin’ Donuts, the largest cof­fee and baked goods restau­rant in the world and Baskin-Rob­bins, the world’s largest hard serve ice cream fran­chise. Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. is a pre­mier quick ser­vice restau­rant fran­chisor with a lead­ing posi­tion in the cof­fee, bak­ery and ice cream seg­ments of the QSR cat­e­go­ry. With more than 16,000 points of dis­tri­b­u­tion in 54 coun­tries, and approx­i­mate­ly 150 years of com­bined his­to­ry, our brands are two of the most loved around the world.

If you so choose to take this assign­ment you will man­age the devel­op­ment, deploy­ment, and day-to-day oper­a­tions for Dunkin’ Donuts Social Media mar­ket­ing programs.

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So who is the ide­al Social Media Man­ag­er for Dunkin Brands?

You bet­ter be good at devel­op­ment, deploy­ment, and mea­sure­ment of nation­al com­mu­ni­ca­tions and pro­mo­tion­al pro­grams with­in Dunkin’s social media chan­nels, includ­ing Face­book, Twit­ter, and YouTube. You’ll be Lead­ing the devel­op­ment of key per­for­mance met­rics and set brand bench­marks for suc­cess: Con­sumer engage­ment with paid media, Fan acqui­si­tion with­in pri­ma­ry social media chan­nels. Man­age Dunkin’ Donuts agency part­ners that sup­port our social mar­ket­ing strate­gies, Mar­ket­ing plan for con­vert­ing con­sumers exposed to paid/social media strate­gies into Dunkin’ Dig­i­tal plat­forms like loy­al­ty, mobile etc. Work with Field Mar­ket­ing to devel­op and exe­cu­tion of Local Mar­kets plans: Local dig­i­tal media plan­ning and buy­ing Local mar­ket con­tent, pro­grams, and pro­mo­tions with­in local exten­sions of our nation­al social media channels.

Work with our Mul­ti-Cul­tur­al Mar­ket­ing group and agen­cies to devel­op approach for social mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties against key seg­ments. Get along with Adver­tis­ing, Mul­ti-Cul­tur­al, Brand Mar­ket­ing, PR, Glob­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Peo­ple Devel­op­ment and Field Mar­ket­ing. Pas­sion for inno­va­tion and results, Strong ana­lyt­ic capa­bil­i­ty. Abil­i­ty to trans­late con­sumer insights / data into action­able mar­ket­ing programs.

Can you effec­tive­ly present pro­grams in per­son / over the phone to inter­nal and exter­nal audi­ences (large and small)? How about the abil­i­ty to devel­op sound busi­ness cas­es to sup­port pro­gram devel­op­ment and present cas­es to Sr. Lead­er­ship and fran­chisees. Lead cross-func­tion­al teams in the devel­op­ment and exe­cu­tion of pro­grams, and cul­ti­vate and build strong cus­tomer / peer rela­tion­ships. Got that “close the deal” atti­tude? 5 plus years in dig­i­tal media or mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions, with the last two years’ expe­ri­ence in devel­op­ment and deploy­ment of social media programs.

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What does Dunkin Brands have to say about their company?

In 1950, Bill Rosen­berg opened the first Dunkin’ Donuts shop in Quin­cy, Mass­a­chu­setts. Dunkin’ Donuts licensed the first of many fran­chis­es in 1955.  Dunkin’ Donuts is the world’s lead­ing baked goods and cof­fee chain, serv­ing more than 3 mil­lion cus­tomers per day. Dunkin’ Donuts sells 52 vari­eties of donuts and more than a dozen cof­fee bev­er­ages as well as an array of bagels, break­fast sand­wich­es and oth­er baked goods.

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