They are an AmerÂiÂcan brand, but source fabÂrics from around the world: JapanÂese seerÂsuckÂer, Irish linen and ItalÂian wool. They don’t believe there’s just one way to wear an outÂfit, but we do have a few ideas on how to pull one togethÂer. The mobile prodÂuct manÂagÂer supÂports J.Crew Group Inc.’s busiÂness by setÂting the mobile stratÂeÂgy for the comÂpaÂny and proÂducÂing and exeÂcutÂing a mobile prodÂuct roadmap that includes mobile webÂsites and conÂsumer facÂing apps.
In this role, the ProdÂuct ManÂagÂer will become the mobile expert and evanÂgeÂlist withÂin the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion and transÂform them into an indusÂtry leader in the mobile space. This comÂpaÂny is in love with colÂor-blockÂing and patÂtern mixÂing and temÂper tomboy with heels. They’re fans of touÂsled hair and think everything’s right when something’s left just a litÂtle imperÂfect. They wear sneakÂers with suits, wing tips with jeans and chamÂbray on chamÂbray. They don’t believe there’s such a thing as overdressed.
So who is the ideÂal Mobile ProdÂuct ManÂagÂer for J.Crew?
This perÂson must be able to estabÂlish and driÂve comÂpaÂny wide mobile stratÂeÂgy includÂing mobile webÂsites and conÂsumer facÂing apps for both e‑commerce and store busiÂnessÂes. MainÂtain mobile porÂtion of prodÂuct roadmap partÂnerÂing closeÂly with prodÂuct manÂageÂment team and busiÂness stakeÂholdÂers. Being able to genÂerÂate prodÂuct ideas that are focused on driÂving sales, acquirÂing new cusÂtomers, retainÂing existÂing cusÂtomers, buildÂing brand loyÂalÂty, and proÂvidÂing self-serÂvice tools to customers.
If you can assess opporÂtuÂniÂties by idenÂtiÂfyÂing ROI. Define key perÂforÂmance indiÂcaÂtors and partÂner with anaÂlytÂics team meaÂsure sucÂcess. You have to have the abilÂiÂty to think outÂside of the retail comÂpetÂiÂtive set.
Act as prodÂuct ownÂer in agile process. Lead in-house teams using agile scrum methodÂolÂoÂgy draftÂing busiÂness requireÂments, priÂorÂiÂtizÂing feaÂtures, authorÂing user stoÂries and accepÂtance criÂteÂria, and colÂlabÂoÂratÂing with scrum team memÂbers to ensure prodÂuct feaÂtures are delivÂered accordÂing to specifications
EduÂcate and evanÂgeÂlize throughÂout the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion on emergÂing trends, new devices and othÂer mobile-relatÂed news. EvalÂuÂate existÂing orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal processÂes and recÂomÂmend changes required to sucÂceed in mobile. Proven track record leadÂing cross-funcÂtionÂal teams and idenÂtiÂfy minÂiÂmum criÂteÂria for ‘shipÂpable’ prodÂucts. Deep knowlÂedge of mobile landÂscape, devices/operating sysÂtems, and user experience.
What does J.Crew have to say about their company?
J.Crew believes that great style begins with great design. Every sinÂgle piece is conÂceived in their New York City stuÂdio, where designÂers sketch, drape, tuck and bead a colÂlecÂtion to life. They side with style over fashÂion, think timeÂlessÂness is underÂratÂed and find that clothes look best when they’re lived in.