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Give the best look to J.Crew as their Mobile Product Manager in New York

They are an Amer­i­can brand, but source fab­rics from around the world: Japan­ese seer­suck­er, Irish linen and Ital­ian wool. They don’t believe there’s just one way to wear an out­fit, but we do have a few ideas on how to pull one togeth­er. The mobile prod­uct man­ag­er sup­ports J.Crew Group Inc.’s busi­ness by set­ting the mobile strat­e­gy for the com­pa­ny and pro­duc­ing and exe­cut­ing a mobile prod­uct roadmap that includes mobile web­sites and con­sumer fac­ing apps.

In this role, the Prod­uct Man­ag­er will become the mobile expert and evan­ge­list with­in the orga­ni­za­tion and trans­form them into an indus­try leader in the mobile space. This com­pa­ny is in love with col­or-block­ing and pat­tern mix­ing and tem­per tomboy with heels. They’re fans of tou­sled hair and think everything’s right when something’s left just a lit­tle imper­fect. They wear sneak­ers with suits, wing tips with jeans and cham­bray on cham­bray. They don’t believe there’s such a thing as overdressed.

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So who is the ide­al Mobile Prod­uct Man­ag­er for J.Crew?

This per­son must be able to estab­lish and dri­ve com­pa­ny wide mobile strat­e­gy includ­ing mobile web­sites and con­sumer fac­ing apps for both e‑commerce and store busi­ness­es. Main­tain mobile por­tion of prod­uct roadmap part­ner­ing close­ly with prod­uct man­age­ment team and busi­ness stake­hold­ers. Being able to gen­er­ate prod­uct ideas that are focused on dri­ving sales, acquir­ing new cus­tomers, retain­ing exist­ing cus­tomers, build­ing brand loy­al­ty, and pro­vid­ing self-ser­vice tools to customers.

If you can assess oppor­tu­ni­ties by iden­ti­fy­ing ROI. Define key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors and part­ner with ana­lyt­ics team mea­sure suc­cess. You have to have the abil­i­ty to think out­side of the retail com­pet­i­tive set.

Act as prod­uct own­er in agile process. Lead in-house teams using agile scrum method­ol­o­gy draft­ing busi­ness require­ments, pri­or­i­tiz­ing fea­tures, author­ing user sto­ries and accep­tance cri­te­ria, and col­lab­o­rat­ing with scrum team mem­bers to ensure prod­uct fea­tures are deliv­ered accord­ing to specifications

Edu­cate and evan­ge­lize through­out the orga­ni­za­tion on emerg­ing trends, new devices and oth­er mobile-relat­ed news. Eval­u­ate exist­ing orga­ni­za­tion­al process­es and rec­om­mend changes required to suc­ceed in mobile. Proven track record lead­ing cross-func­tion­al teams and iden­ti­fy min­i­mum cri­te­ria for ‘ship­pable’ prod­ucts. Deep knowl­edge of mobile land­scape, devices/operating sys­tems, and user experience.

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What does J.Crew have to say about their company?


J.Crew believes that great style begins with great design. Every sin­gle piece is con­ceived in their New York City stu­dio, where design­ers sketch, drape, tuck and bead a col­lec­tion to life. They side with style over fash­ion, think time­less­ness is under­rat­ed and find that clothes look best when they’re lived in.

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