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Is Pinterest trying to take the Internet by Storm with the click of a Button?

Mar­keters make note! Pin­ter­est recent­ly unveiled that it will be launch­ing “buyable pins” lat­er this month, here’s how it works: Rich Pins are pins which have much more infor­ma­tion than a nor­mal link, for instance a step by step info­graph­ic on oven clean­ing will get a new but­ton that allows users to pur­chase ovens direct­ly from retail part­ners like Macy’s, Nord­stroms and so on in order to stock Pin­ter­est with mil­lions of prod­ucts. Users will see prices, be able to select spe­cif­ic types of a prod­uct, and then they can tap the but­ton to buy the prod­uct. Which is then shipped direct­ly to you.

Pin­ter­est is using Shopi­fy (jobs at Shopi­fy) and Demand­ware (jobs at Demand­ware) right out of the gate with Stripe han­dling its pay­ments, and col­lab­o­rat­ing with com­pa­nies like Brain­tree and Apple to “make sure Pin­ter­est nev­er touch­es cred­it card infor­ma­tion.” They claim there isn’t any fee for buy­ers and mer­chants which they says will include work­ing with tens of thou­sands of local brands. Buyable Pins show up in all of Pinterest’s fea­tures, like rec­om­men­da­tions and search. Users can pay with a cred­it card or with Apple Pay.

It appears that this is just a tip of the Ice­berg for the com­pa­ny, back in May they launched a new ser­vice that helps mar­keters craft bet­ter pins in order to help them per­form bet­ter. So all you strat­e­gy crazed Mar­keters, you’re get­ting stuff like pin sched­ul­ing and opti­miza­tion in the form of APIs for com­pa­nies that post brand­ed con­tent across a vari­ety of chan­nels. They even start­ed mak­ing video ads. Also the pric­ing has been refined and defined for adver­tis­ers. To all the third par­ty devel­op­ers – go get crazy the plat­form is now open, but only after you apply.

After being val­ued at $11 bil­lion by investors the com­pa­ny seems to be jus­ti­fy­ing it by mov­ing into big­ger bold­er val­ue gen­er­at­ing ter­ri­to­ry, espe­cial­ly since the vast num­ber of users go to the site to get ideas. They even start­ed send­ing employ­ees to oth­er coun­tries in order to ramp up their inter­na­tion­al ser­vice native­ly, called Jump­start. Pin­ter­est (Jobs at Pin­ter­est) already has a slew of inter­na­tion­al users, and as it con­tin­ues to grow its user base, it con­tin­ues to make mon­ey off of them.

If they dump all that ched­dar back into the com­pa­ny and keep adding those new fea­tures for users and adver­tis­ers, it’ll blow a hole into anoth­er dimen­sion, a black hole for adver­tis­ers. Think about it, maybe now’s the time to have your girl­friend or wife explain Pin­ter­est to you and con­sid­er try­ing to get in the door over there.

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