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Jobs at Twitter why work here

Why You Want a Job at Twitter

Twit­ter was vot­ed the 26th best place to work in 2016 on Glass­door, believe it or not right after Apple (#25). Found­ed in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, the cur­rent CEO,  Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams Twit­ter was designed for all the Atten­tion Deficit

How fast is this Blockchain thing going to take over?

How fast is this Blockchain thing going to take over?

Well that was fast, rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing, we’re talk­ing about Blockchain of course. Ever since Bit­coin hit the scene a few years ago there has been mas­sive skep­ti­cism and con­cern over the use of cryp­­to-cur­ren­­cy, pri­mar­i­ly by gov­ern­ments and mul­ti-nation­al busi­ness­es that fear the loss of con­trol to

why you want to work at hbo

Should You Work at HBO or Netflix?

Over 130 mil­lion peo­ple sub­scribe to HBO glob­al­ly.  Found­ed in 1972 with its first launch on a cable sys­tem serv­ing Wilkes Barre Penn­syl­va­nia with the 1971 film, some­times a Great Notion, star­ring Paul New­man and Hen­ry Fon­da, HBO was the world’s first “pay” tv service.

why you want to work at snapchat

Why You Want to Work at Snapchat

Work­ing at Snapchat is so much fun it was hard to get work done. That’s what some Snap employ­ees are say­ing. But with an audi­ence of over 300 mil­lion peo­ple who use Snapchat every month this could be the place to work at if you

vogue magazine

Why You Want to Get a Job at Vogue Magazine:

Get­ting a Job at Vogue Mag­a­zine, owned by the Conde Nast Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny,  is like get­ting a dai­ly “brush with Fame”.  Anna Win­tour, Vogue’s Edi­tor and Chief, is known as the most influ­en­tial woman in fash­ion. Work­ing at the mag­a­zine is so pres­ti­gious Mer­rill Streep

Is it Better to work at Buzzfeed or The New York Times?

Is it Better to work at Buzzfeed or The New York Times?

With over 5 bil­lion views and 80 mil­lion web­site vis­i­tors each month Buz­zfeed has become the news orga­ni­za­tion to beat.  How­ev­er over 75% of those views are due to con­tent being pub­lished on oth­er than Buz­zfeed prop­er­ties. Buz­zfeed, known for its non-tra­di­­tion­al approach to news

Business Development Job at LeBook

LeBook Business Development Job for Trend Setter

Imag­ine being a Busi­ness Devel­op­ment expert in the cen­ter of cre­ativ­i­ty? For over 30 years, LE BOOK has been a plat­form for cre­ative dis­cov­ery. Through this lens they share some of the images & image-mak­ers that inspire us dai­ly.  LE BOOK, the inter­na­tion­al ref­er­ence for