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LeBook Business Development Job for Trend Setter

Imag­ine being a Busi­ness Devel­op­ment expert in the cen­ter of creativity?

For over 30 years, LE BOOK has been a plat­form for cre­ative dis­cov­ery. Through this lens they share some of the images & image-mak­ers that inspire us dai­ly.  LE BOOK, the inter­na­tion­al ref­er­ence for the cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty brings togeth­er cre­atives, mar­keters, com­mu­ni­ca­tors, from the worlds of fash­ion, & lux­u­ry advertising.

LeBook is look­ing for a Devel­op­ment & New Busi­ness Man­ag­er.  In this high­ly diver­si­fied role, you’ll report to the Gen­er­al Man­ag­er of LE BOOK’s NY office and use your well-honed busi­ness devel­op­ment skills to iden­ti­fy strate­gic oppor­tu­ni­ties to sup­port rev­enue growth, prod­uct devel­op­ment, the inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion & diver­si­fi­ca­tion of LE BOOK prod­ucts — includ­ing our dig­i­tal plat­form, our annu­al CONNECTIONS cre­ative tradeshows (SF, LA, PARIS, NY, BERLIN, LONDON, MILAN, AMSTERDAM) & our annu­al col­lec­table print edition.

Please apply to job by send­ing resume and cov­er let­ter to:

Invent­ed by Veronique Kolasa in 1982 as a high­ly-col­lectible and high­ly-designed ref­er­ence book, LEBOOK was a lim­it­ed edi­tion guide to the cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty in Paris and quick­ly became “The Bible of the Image Industries.”

With­in a few years LeBook became an inter­na­tion­al pub­li­ca­tion with the intro­duc­tion of LeBook New York in 1995, LeBook Lon­don and LeBook Berlin in 1999, LeBook Ger­many and East­ern Europe in 2009 and LeBook West Coast in 2010.

Cur­rent­ly reach­ing over 50,000 pro­fes­sion­als LeBook show­cas­es thou­sands of images from a vir­tu­al who’s who of con­tem­po­rary tal­ent includ­ing work by A‑list pho­tog­ra­phers such as Juer­gen Teller, Philip-Lor­ca DiCor­cia, Richard Bur­bridge, Pao­lo Rover­si, Nor­bert Scho­ern­er, Stephane Sed­naoui, Sølve Sunds­bø, Ter­ry Richard­son, Michael Thomp­son, and Michel Comte; conceptor/copywriter Ameena Meer; and art direc­tors such as Lee Swill­ing­ham, Steven Bail­lie, Mar­tin Jacobs, Michel Mal­lard, Daren Ellis, Don­ald Schnei­der, Marc Ascoli, Fabi­en Baron, and Gio­van­ni Russo.

The most famed pho­tog­ra­phers, art direc­tors, styl­ists and mod­el agen­cies; the most laud­ed pro­duc­ers, loca­tion find­ers, pho­to labs, rental stu­dios, event spaces and cater­ers; the pre-emi­nent record labels, mag­a­zines, adver­tis­ing agen­cies, fash­ion design­ers and PR firms can all be found in LEBOOK. In short, LEBOOK is a must for every­thing and every­one that pro­pels the cre­ative industry.

The world of lux­u­ry, fash­ion and beau­ty is small and tight­ly-knit. How do they all know each oth­er? What’s their secret net­work? LE BOOK, of course.

All about the Job of Devel­op­ment & New Busi­ness Manager

With a strong inter­est in adver­tis­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and the chang­ing media land­scape, you will be encour­aged to lever­age your knowl­edge of our dif­fer­ent plat­forms to iden­ti­fy new leads (indi­vid­u­als as well as cor­po­ra­tions) in exist­ing cat­e­gories, poten­tial areas of growth, iden­ti­fy poten­tial strate­gic part­ners and struc­ture, nego­ti­ate, close, man­age, and opti­mize deals.

With expe­ri­ence in the media indus­try — art, pho­to, film, dig­i­tal for fash­ion or lux­u­ry adver­tis­ing indus­tries — being a plus, and a true inter­est in under­stand­ing and devel­op­ing busi­ness rela­tion­ships with­in the cre­ative mar­ket­ing indus­tries, pro­mot­ing tools and ser­vices that will offer cre­atives and com­pa­nies the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­mote and build aware­ness around the ser­vices they offer, you will be well pre­pared for this role; but it is your entre­pre­neur­ial and cre­ative spir­it that will guar­an­tee your suc­cess.   As an excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tor pos­sess­ing a facil­i­ty for engag­ing and per­suad­ing, you are a nat­ur­al fit for our grow­ing orga­ni­za­tion at one of the most excit­ing moments in our history.

Full time posi­tion includes a base salary, com­mis­sions and bonus­es, with strong poten­tial for career growth.

Total com­pen­sa­tion pack­age of 80–100k.

Devel­op­ment & New Busi­ness Man­ag­er:  Respon­si­bil­i­ties:

  • Gen­er­at­ing Leads and Oppor­tu­ni­ties through out­bound, strate­gic & tar­get­ed prospect­ing into Print, Film Pro­duc­tion, Dig­i­tal, Expe­ri­en­tial & VR/AR companies
  • Strate­gic call­ing to lever­age busi­ness from new and estab­lished relationships
  • Prospect­ing into both cold accounts as well as into new groups, divi­sions, etc. of exist­ing customers
  • Achiev­ing month­ly Quo­ta of Qual­i­fied Oppor­tu­ni­ties — meetings
  • Be a trust­ed mem­ber of each account team and help define the busi­ness approach for your spe­cif­ic region and deliv­er a joint strategy
  • Be on the fore­front of evan­ge­liz­ing Le Book

Devel­op­ment & New Busi­ness Man­ag­er:  Require­ments:

  • Strong pre­sen­ta­tion & com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, with an abil­i­ty to build relationships
  • Strong orga­ni­za­tion­al skills
  • A desire to grow as a busi­ness devel­op­ment pro­fes­sion­al build­ing on a will­ing­ness to learn (ana­lyt­i­cal skills, inter­per­son­al skills, team­work, atten­tion to detail)
  • Appre­ci­a­tion for the struc­ture and his­to­ry of the glob­al media indus­try A plus but not required:
  • Busi­ness Devel­op­ment or sales experience
  • Expe­ri­ence in tra­di­tion­al and dig­i­tal media
  • Expe­ri­ence using a CRM (such as Salesforce)

Please apply to job by send­ing resume and cov­er let­ter to:

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