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Why You Want to Work at Snapchat

Work­ing at Snapchat is so much fun it was hard to get work done. That’s what some Snap employ­ees are saying.

But with an audi­ence of over 300 mil­lion peo­ple who use Snapchat every month this could be the place to work at if you want to change the world.

Every month the equiv­a­lent of every­one in the US uses Snapchat.

Every day over 175 mil­lion peo­ple send Snaps.

Snapchat reach­es over 41% of those between the ages of 18 and 34 and 71% of the Snapchat users are under the age of 34.  45% of Snapchat users are between 18 and 34 and the com­pa­ny is val­ued over $20 bil­lion dollars.

Keep in mind that Snapchat is only 3 years old.

Snap is a pub­lic com­pa­ny as of March 2017 and expects to gen­er­ate over $750 mil­lion dol­lars in 2017.  While its excep­tion­al growth has slowed since going pub­lic 300 mil­lion users is a lot of adoption.

What is SnapChat?

Snap says that they are a cam­era com­pa­ny and that rein­vent­ing the cam­era rep­re­sents their strongest way to improve the way peo­ple live and com­mu­ni­cate.  They want their users to “live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together”.

The two prod­ucts they cre­at­ed are Snapchat and Spectacles.

Snapchat is the mobile app used by over 175 mil­lion peo­ple every day and Spec­ta­cles seem to be a work in progress with lim­it­ed dis­tri­b­u­tion at this time.

Accord­ing to Snap, Spec­ta­cles are the sun­glass­es that make it easy to make mem­o­ries from your per­spec­tive, and then relive them lat­er. The Spec­ta­cles team is the newest mem­ber of the Snap Inc. fam­i­ly, sit­u­at­ed at the inter­sec­tion of cut­ting edge cam­era tech­nol­o­gy and software.

But What is it Like to Work at Snapchat?

78% of the employ­ees approve of what the CEO, Evan Spiegel is doing and 72% would rec­om­mend work­ing there to a friend, accord­ing to Glassdoor.

Here is some of the Glass­door reviews:

The pros…

“Great ben­e­fits. Per­fect mix of peo­ple and results focus. How many com­pa­nies are keep­ing Zuck awake at night? One. Once in a life­time oppor­tu­ni­ty to see your ideas grow into a glob­al business.”

“Free food with option to dine out at restaurants” 

“Loca­tion: Venice beach is a live­ly tourist loca­tion with good weath­er and quirky locals” 

“Build­ing and improv­ing a great prod­uct with a fast grow­ing user base” 

“Venice is the best office place I can think of, real­ly enjoy the work environment” 

“Great com­pa­ny cul­ture plus free food” 

The Cons:

“Work/Life bal­ance tips heav­i­ly towards work” 

“fast paced work envi­ron­ment may be dif­fi­cult for some” 

“Equi­ty pack­age has back loaded vest­ing sched­ule so you have to stay 4 years for full benefit” 

“Long hours and demand­ing workload” 

“Also the fun atmos­phere some­times made it hard to focus and get work done” 

Take a look at all the jobs they have avail­able now globally.

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