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What Will Making a VR Game While in Virtual Reality be like?

Every­one pret­ty much knows at this point that Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty is final­ly start­ing to take off in a big way and devel­op into the uber-cool piece of futur­is­tic awe­some­ness that we’ve drooled over in sci-fi movies and TV shows for decades. One of the com­pa­nies that has a lot to gain from these advances and is also active­ly adding to them is Uni­ty, cre­ators of one of the top game engines around today. Uni­ty has final­ly released it’s high­ly antic­i­pat­ed suite of VR edit­ing tools in a free down­load for devel­op­ers called Edi­torVR, and it’s incredible.

Building Virtual Reality inside VR

If you’re not a devel­op­er, the sim­plest way to describe Edi­torVR is as a VR game for VR devel­op­ers. When a gamer plays a VR game, they get to inter­act with their sur­round­ings in an almost real way, pick­ing things up and mov­ing them around as they move their real hands and arms to do the same. That fun inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence is pos­si­ble because the game devel­op­ers spent end­less hours with a mouse and key­board pro­gram­ming it to work that way, then switch­ing to a VR head­set to check and make sure it worked right. Then switch­ing back to the mouse and key­board. And back to the head­set. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

With Edi­torVR much of that switch­ing is a thing of the past, mean­ing that devel­op­ers will be able to accom­plish more and in less time. And it’s a lot more fun for them too. So instead of spend­ing a lot of time pro­gram­ming a cup to sit on a desk and then check­ing it in the VR world, Edi­torVR lets them open a tool­box and just place the cup on the table while they’re in the VR world. So much sim­pler. And cooler.

I’m a Developer, You’re a Developer, We’re All Developers

Edi­torVR isn’t an end prod­uct for Uni­ty VR devel­op­ment. It’s only the begin­ning. In fact, down the road it might be pos­si­ble that just about any­one could devel­op their own unique con­tent with the Uni­ty engine. Make your own VR game? How cool would that be? For now, it’s new. So devel­op­ers should def­i­nite­ly back up every­thing they do with it in case of bugs in the sys­tem. It only works cur­rent­ly with the Ocu­lus Rift and HTC Vive VR head­sets, but more are com­ing, as are more 3rd par­ty apps to add to those which are already inte­grat­ed like Tvori.

The future for Uni­ty is even brighter with their recent hir­ing of Dr. Dan­ny Lange to tack­le the AI and machine learn­ing aspects of the com­pa­ny and soft­ware. Lange was poached from Uber, where he worked for just over a year. Before that he worked on machine learn­ing projects for both Ama­zon and Microsoft. The employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties in this sto­ry are far-reach­ing. AI and machine learn­ing types would love to work with Dr. Lange, and the area is sure to broad­en at Uni­ty. Cur­rent devel­op­ers could try to get on with Uni­ty, but their oppor­tu­ni­ties are much wider with the release of Edi­torVR to work any­where, includ­ing inde­pen­dent­ly. And if the future comes real­ly quick­ly, any avid gamer could cre­ate the next great game using a future ver­sion of the edit­ing tools. Where do you fit in?