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Social Media

Revealed: Upworthy’s new revenue model

There can’t be many social media man­agers who haven’t heard of New York’s mete­or­i­cal­ly suc­cess­ful viral aggre­ga­tion and con­tent shar­ing start-up Upwor­thy; and with its recent­ly announced mon­e­ti­za­tion plan, there’ll be few­er still. Col­lab­o­rat­ing on native adver­tis­ing Last Octo­ber, short­ly after it raised $8 mil­lion in

Cloaq — anonymous social platform that lets you speak freely

Social media man­agers who like a cloak-and-dag­ger sto­ry will like this one: an unnamed group of engi­neers has alert­ed TechCrunch jour­nal­ist Sarah Perez to a forth­com­ing web and mobile (iOS) plat­form that fus­es the anonymi­ty of apps like Whis­per and Secret with the ease-of-use features

New York social TV startup Viggle expands its reach

Most sea­soned social media man­agers will appre­ci­ate that when a social start­up begins to make major acqui­si­tions, it’s prob­a­bly going places. The New York-based social TV start­up Vig­gle, which offers a loy­al­ty pro­gram for TV view­ers when they check in to the shows they’re watching