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Social Media

Gigwalk: Mobilizing an Entire Workforce By Via App

Need to earn a few extra bucks? Why not do it on your way to the office? Today’s increas­ing­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed – and younger – work­force is look­ing for employ­ment, and it wants work that it can fit around it already busy lifestyle. Enter Gig­walk, the

Can Social Media Save the TV Star?

Can Social Media decide the fate of TV Shows? Not yet, but maybe some day. While a lot of social media buzz for an upcom­ing show should at least pique the inter­ests of adver­tis­ers, this atten­tion has­n’t always result­ed in high rat­ings for the next hit show.

The Top 5 Companies Fighting for Likes on Facebook

How like­able do you need to be to obtain over 100,000 Likes per day?  As they say…things go bet­ter with Coke! In our social media-dom­i­­nat­ed age, a brand just wants to be liked. Or more specif­i­cal­ly, have their page “liked” on Face­book, which has become one

HooteSuite’s new command center brings mission control to businesses

The pop­u­lar Van­cou­ver based social media dash­board Hoot­Suite is unveil­ing a com­pre­hen­sive new “Com­mand Cen­ter” prod­uct, which will give enter­pris­es a mas­ter con­trol for man­ag­ing real-time social media con­ver­sa­tions con­cern­ing their brand. Com­mu­ni­ty man­agers and social media man­agers of all stripes will be intrigued by the

Approved by Craigslist — A Lovely Way to Find a New Apartment

Has rental prop­er­ty find­er Love­ly suc­ceed­ed where oth­er web ser­vices have failed, in estab­lish­ing an agree­ment with Craigslist to use its data? Fol­low­ing months of legal wran­glings over third-par­­ty use of its list­ings, it seems Craigslist might be mel­low­ing after agree­ing to let Love­ly access its Shows There Is a Place for Fine Art on the Web

Two rounds of fund­ing worth $7.25 mil­lion mean that access­ing art on the web just got eas­i­er thanks to search engine start-up Two years ago an idea for an arts-focused search facil­i­ty was put for­ward by The com­pa­ny pro­posed to make art available

Most active job seekers use social media to find work

A grow­ing army of job hunters, even those cur­rent­ly in employ­ment, are turn­ing to social media for help in sourc­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties. That’s the ver­dict of a new study by online recruit­ment spe­cial­ist Job­vite, which reveals that 75 per­cent of work­ers are either active­ly seeking

How The Fancy will Challenge Pinterest

When is a pic­ture worth a $1,000 dol­lars?  When its on The Fan­cy. The new social site The Fan­cy is also try­ing to prove they could be worth a lot of mon­ey. Accord­ing to Busi­ness Insid­er, Apple is in talks to acquire the fast-grow­ing social commerce

Soldsie Makes the F‑Word Work

A San Fran­cis­co start-up wants to put the com­merce in F- Com­merce. These days, the big f‑word on Face­book is “F‑commerce,” or, in two words, “Face­book Com­merce.” As weak­en­ing of the stock has shown, Face­book may not be as valu­able as every­one ini­tial­ly thought, due