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Social Media

Assignment Editor NBC TV Bay Area

Assignment Editor for NBC TV in San Jose

One of the largest enter­tain­ment com­pa­nies in the world needs an Assign­ment Edi­tor for their tele­vi­sion sta­tion in the Bay Area locat­ed in San Jose Cal­i­for­nia. This is a free­lance posi­tion. Apply for the Assign­ment Edi­tor posi­tion by send­ing a cov­er let­ter and resume to: The

Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

What if you could talk to mil­lions of peo­ple one at a time and do it in less than 60 sec­onds.  Sprin­klr is the world’s first per­son­al­ized scal­able social media plat­form. Does any­one remem­ber Tweet­deck? It was one of the first social media man­age­ment platforms

5 Tips for Landing a Social Media Job

5 Tips for Landing a Social Media Job

So you’re look­ing for a social media job, but you aren’t sure what kind of qual­i­fi­ca­tions you might need or what the pay is like? Don’t feel too bad, even many of the com­pa­nies hir­ing a social media man­ag­er can’t answer those ques­tions objec­tive­ly. The truth

Social Media Manager Jobs in New York

What are Today’s Hottest Social Media Jobs In New York?

New York is the top city in the world for Adver­tis­ing and Pub­lic Rela­tions. Social Media has become an inte­gral part of both of those worlds. So those look­ing for Social Media jobs such as Social Media Man­ag­er, Social Media Expert and many more should

Mobile Live-stream, Meerkat VS. Periscope, who will win?

Mobile Live-stream, Meerkat VS. Periscope, who will win?

So what’s new this week – LIVE Video broad­cast­ing. It’s the next step for the democ­ra­ti­za­tion of media. The real­i­ty is not every­one will broad­cast reg­u­lar­ly, every­one doesn’t blog either, but the truth of the mat­ter is folks spend hours watch­ing TV and tex­ting each other,

Chute is Shazam for your pictures.

Chute is Shazam for your pictures.

Visu­al Mar­ket­ing is the future. So how did Chute get so darn pop­u­lar and where did it come from? If you don’t know Gre­gar­i­ous Narain he is one of the co-founders and CTO of Chute, a com­pa­ny found­ed in 2011. Before that he was the