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Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

What if you could talk to mil­lions of peo­ple one at a time and do it in less than 60 sec­onds.  Sprin­klr is the world’s first per­son­al­ized scal­able social media platform.

Does any­one remem­ber Tweet­deck? It was one of the first social media man­age­ment plat­forms to be wide­ly adopt­ed by both indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es, way back long ago. Then they basi­cal­ly went under. In the last five years or so, social media man­age­ment com­pa­nies and soft­ware have boomed from a niche group to one f the dri­ving forces in mod­ern mar­ket­ing and cus­tomer ser­vice oper­a­tions. And the seg­ment is grow­ing more and more. But the focus has expand­ed exponentially.

Tweet­deck essen­tial­ly let you post to Twit­ter and Face­book (before remov­ing the Face­book func­tion­al­i­ty and falling flat) and mon­i­tor your feeds with fil­ters. Rev­o­lu­tion­ary once, less than the most basic require­ment today. Now social media man­age­ment must be holis­tic in its approach, because social media has gone from being a sub­set of the online world to the cen­ter of it. Every­thing revolves around it. Like the eye of a hurricane.

Imag­ine the online world as that hur­ri­cane. Your emails, web­sites, social accounts, online soft­ware plat­forms, blogs, retail­ers, and so on, swirling around and around at super­son­ic speeds and being drawn ever down­ward toward the cen­ter that holds it all togeth­er. That cen­ter, the eye of the dig­i­tal hur­ri­cane, is where Sprin­klr holds court today.

Ragy Thomas start­ed Sprin­klr in his spare bed­room sev­en years ago as a social media man­age­ment soft­ware plat­form for brands. In March of 2015 the com­pa­ny had grown to 700 employ­ees. In mid-Feb­ru­ary 2016 that num­ber had grown to around 1000. And last month it received a new round of fund­ing to the tune of $105 mil­lion, rais­ing its val­u­a­tion to $1.8 bil­lion, a 50% increase prac­ti­cal­ly overnight. What’s more amaz­ing is the com­pa­ny real­ly did­n’t even need the new funds, so they got it with­out the usu­al strings attached pres­sur­ing them to jump through hoops they aren’t ready to jump through yet.

Want to be more amazed? How about the cor­po­rate cus­tomers they’ve estab­lished to date, like Nike, McDon­ald’s, P&G, Forbes, and Microsoft just to name a few. Or how about the fact that they’ve been gob­bling up star­tups for the past year, includ­ing Postano a few months ago. Would it impress you to know that Microsoft recent­ly announced a strate­gic part­ner­ship with Sprin­klr to inte­grate it into Office 365 and oth­er prod­ucts? Or that that part­ner­ship adds to their exist­ing part­ner­ships with IBM, SAP, Accen­ture, Deloitte, Capgem­i­ni, and Ernst & Young? And if not, what on earth would impress you?

Sprin­klr is the dar­ling of the social media man­age­ment world for the world’s largest cor­po­ra­tions right now, and it’s like­ly you haven’t heard of them. Star­wood Hotels raves about their prod­uct and ser­vice and uses them to sort through more than 300,000 online com­ments every month, claim­ing that they’ve been able to reduce their time for gen­er­at­ing month­ly reports from a day down to about 20 min­utes. That’s a lot of time and mon­ey saved.

It is there­fore the opin­ion of Media Jobs that if social media man­age­ment soft­ware, in any of it’s wide-reach­ing and ever expand­ing aspects, is what you’ve been dream­ing of work­ing with or on, check­ing for avail­able jobs at Sprin­klr might be time well spent.