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Aerospace tech startup NanoSatisfi banks $1.2 million in seed funding

What do you do if you start­ed pro­fes­sion­al life as a high-ener­­gy physi­cist, but land­ed a job in finance after grad­u­at­ing? Answer: stay true to your fas­ci­na­tion with space explo­ration and help devel­op an aero­space start­up. That’s exact­ly what Peter Platzer, a rock­et sci­en­tist who

Google announces big changes to the way it does mobile advertising

Adver­tis­ers are about to find that cross-plat­­form adver­tis­ing will be a whole lot eas­i­er, thanks to sweep­ing changes to the way Google intends to sell mobile ads. Mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies will now be spared the labo­ri­ous process of sub­mit­ting dif­fer­ent strate­gies for dif­fer­ent devices –

Gary Vaynerchuk and the warmth of social media

Out­spo­ken? Arro­gant? Just plain crazy? What­ev­er you might think of Gary Vayn­er­chuk, there’s no deny­ing he’s a great expo­nent of sim­ple, pared down social media mar­ket­ing. CEO of Vayn­er­Me­dia, Gary Vayn­er­chuk began his dig­i­tal career by set­ting up the online arm of his par­ents’ wine

Event logging startup Sentry launches massively revamped platform

The bug track­ing space has been gen­er­at­ing a good deal of inter­est since Twit­ter acquired mobile crash-report­ing tool Crash­lyt­ics in Jan­u­ary – and error-track­­ing start­up Sen­try is poised to take full advan­tage with the launch of a huge­ly revamped plat­form. Since its ear­ly days a

LockerDome: turbocharged fan pages for turbocharged sports pros

Social media man­agers and con­tent man­agers inclined toward nov­el­ty and inno­va­tion might do well to take heed of the Lock­er­Dome sto­ry – the explo­sive­ly grow­ing social media web­site spe­cial­iz­ing in pro­fes­sion­al sports for pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes. For pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes, the startup’s 30-year old CEO and co-founder,