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Why You Want to Work at Moogsoft

Why You Want to Work at Moogsoft

Moog­soft AIOps helps enter­prise IT Oper­a­tions and DevOps teams become smarter, faster, and more effec­tive. Their machine lan­guage algo­rith­mic soft­ware pro­vides a high qual­i­ty of cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, enable dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion (while ensur­ing sta­bil­i­ty), and oper­ates effi­cient­ly via real-time machine learn­ing. If this sound com­pli­cat­ed, it is!

why you want to work at magic leap

Why a Magic Leap Job Could be for You

If you are inter­est­ed in vir­tu­al real­i­ty, then Mag­ic Leap may be the com­pa­ny for you. Non-shock­­ing, non-spoil­er alert of the day: vir­tu­al real­i­ty is the next big thing. Yawn, of course it is. We’re just sit­ting here wait­ing for the prod­uct that’s going to

What can BlockAI and the blockchain do for you?

What can BlockAI and blockchain technology do for you?

Blockchain tech­nol­o­gy will change your life.  But how you ask? When I was younger I played in sev­er­al bands, and in some we wrote our own music. My longest run­ning and most suc­cess­ful ven­ture (which con­sist­ed of two record­ed albums and most­ly free beer for pay­ment from

Nvidia makes AI computing possible within cameras - Why You Should Work There

Nvidia Makes AI computing possible in Cameras
Why You Should Work There

Nvidia is a com­pa­ny most don’t asso­ciate with cut­ting edge tech­nol­o­gy.  Most just think of them as a “graph­ics board” com­pa­ny. Into “edge com­put­ing” and AI, Nvidia is impress­ing the world with its con­tin­u­ous tech­nol­o­gy inno­va­tions. If you’re in the tech­nol­o­gy field in any sig­nif­i­cant way, then

UltraHaptics - control everything with just the wave of a hand

UltraHaptics — Control Everything with Just the Wave of a Hand

What is Ultra­Hap­tics up to and where is this tak­ing us?  Sound is a real­ly fas­ci­nat­ing thing. It’s just vibra­tions in space, which the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cists think is what makes up all mat­ter. If you’re an X‑Men fan you’ll remem­ber Ban­shee, the guy who could cause

QVC Program Host Lifestyle On Air Host National Search

QVC Lifestyle On Air Program Host National Search

Do you have expe­ri­ence host­ing on tele­vi­sion, web broad­casts, radio, lifestyle pro­gram­ming, trade shows or live events? QVC, who sells over $4 bil­lion dol­lars of prod­ucts is look­ing for some­one who is pas­sion­ate about prod­ucts and sales for a live Full Time QVC Pro­gram on Air

How Massive Can You Make Virtual Reality, literally?

How Massive Can You Make Virtual Reality, literally?

Ever since the Ocu­lus Rift hit Kick­starter sev­er­al years ago, VR enthu­si­asts have been on the edge of their seats wait­ing for the brave new world pow­ered by vir­tu­al real­i­ty… which to date has been slow to come at best and a dud at worst. Oculus

Can CodeFights Get You That Developer Job?

Can CodeFights Get You That Developer Job?

So you final­ly decid­ed to learn how to code so you could become a pro­gram­mer and still be able to find a job once the robots take over every­thing else. After all, you can learn how to code online for free, so you did­n’t even have