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iPhone 5 launch showcases new features but draws fire

The tech prod­uct tipped to sin­gle­hand­ed­ly boost the U.S. econ­o­my has final­ly been unveiled, as Apple CEO Tim Cook launched the iPhone 5 in San Fran­cis­co on Wednes­day. No “nev­er-before-seen” fea­tures emerged but plen­ty of enhance­ments have been added to the slim­mer, big­ger screened handset.

Can iPhone 5 save the U.S. economy?

Eco­nom­ics experts are pre­dict­ing the release of the iPhone 5 could have pro­found effects on the US econ­o­my.  J.P. Morgan’s chief U.S econ­o­mist Michael Fer­oli has esti­mat­ed that sales of Apple’s lat­est offer­ing could add some­thing in the region of a quar­ter to half a

Open Graph Apps Exploding – Are the Jobs Here?

  Open Graph Apps Explod­ing – Are the Jobs Here? The Genie is out of the lamp, with Open Graph soft­ware devel­op­ment jobs con­tin­u­ing their expan­sion and 1,675,685 sites using this tech­nol­o­gy. It is like­ly that a mul­ti­tude of devel­op­ers are at this very minute mobilizing

Walmart Mobile App Check out by Phone

To com­bat long waits at Wal­mart check out lines, the com­pa­ny is test­ing a new smart­phone mobile app check­out sys­tem at some of its stores.  Cus­tomers would scan their items with their phone and then bring every­thing to a self check­out counter for pay­ment. Walmart

Samsung announces shift from Android to Windows 8 for new generation tablet

Sam­sung is jump­ing ship, shift­ing from Google’s Android OS in favor of Microsoft’s Win­dows OS. The changeover was on dis­play at the Euro­pean elec­tron­ics trade show in Berlin this week, when the South Kore­an mobile leviathan unveiled two new Win­­dows-pow­ered gad­gets. Show­cas­ing a gleam­ing new 10.1‑inch

Big implications for smartphone market in Apple verdict

Apple’s recent vic­to­ry over Sam­sung in its patent dis­pute has increased pres­sure on the man­u­fac­tur­ers of smart­phones all over the world to design hand­sets which can stand up to the iPhone and offer con­sumers choice in a mar­ket worth approx­i­mate­ly $219.1 bil­lion. A jury decided

How location based services are trying to get big

A recent report from BI Intel­li­gence has ana­lyzed pre­cise­ly what loca­tion based ser­vices such as  Foursquare are actu­al­ly all about — and if they can be a gen­uine busi­ness. The report from BI Intel­li­gence has tak­en a look at just how lead­ers in the space

Hip startup company focuses on sales

Per­haps the largest and busiest start­up in the whole of New York is Foursquare. Found­ed three years ago back in 2009 by Naveen Sel­vadu­rai and Den­nis Crow­ley, the loca­tion check-in mobile app has so far earned around $70 mil­lion, in part thanks to smart mobile

Digital Advertising Trends to Watch in the Next 12 Months

What tech­nol­o­gy trends might be on the hori­zon? This past June, the Com­Score inter­net research firm pre­sent­ed data show­ing that mobile users of smart­phones and tablets will sur­pass desk­top users by 2014. This is con­sis­tent with a 2010 Mor­gan Stan­ley pre­dic­tion that mobile will outpace