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Mobile Advertising

3 Mobile Advertising Companies to Watch

The mobile adver­tis­ing indus­try is bare­ly off of its train­ing wheels, but mar­ket infor­ma­tion is clear­ly pre­sent­ing how much poten­tial there is to make prof­its. While true, if one mar­ket has had unpre­dictable growth it has been mobile adver­tis­ing, and this is in part due

Mobile Advertising

Trends to Watch Now in Mobile Advertising

This year’s Glob­al Mobile Awards are a real sign of the times, with mobile plat­forms ever-increas­ing in use and pop­u­lar­i­ty and mobile adver­tis­ing com­pa­nies fac­ing explo­sive rates of growth. The mar­ket of mobile adver­tis­ing is grow­ing extreme­ly quick­ly, with the US mobile ad indus­try expected

Mobile Advertising vs. Mobile Apps – Where Should I Work?

With over 30 per­cent of Amer­i­cans own­ing Smartphone’s, Mobile adver­tis­ing is a nascent and fast grow­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty, accord­ing to Busi­ness Insid­er. Mobile adver­tis­ing is a type of adver­tis­ing dis­played on phones or oth­er mobile devices such as iPads. There are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of advertising

Mobile App Companies

Top 4 Mobile App Companies to Watch

Up and com­ing app com­pa­nies hold the best oppor­tu­ni­ties to shine in the mobile devel­op­ment job mar­ket. The best app com­pa­nies are the ones that nur­ture cre­ativ­i­ty and tal­ent, and of-course, release both com­mer­cial­ly suc­cess­ful and pur­pose­ful apps, and this arti­cle takes a look at

Women-led Startups

7 Successful Women-led Startups in Mobile and Tech

Despite advance­ments in gen­der equal­i­ty in the pro­fes­sion­al world over the past decades, it is true that men still dom­i­nate the high­er ech­e­lons of busi­ness. But things are begin­ning to look up for the fair­er sex, with increas­ing num­bers of female start­up founders, and just

New Voices Mobile App Will Get You More Work

‘Voic­es’ is a mobile appli­ca­tion for iPhone and Black­Ber­ry that pro­vides tens of thou­sands of eas­i­ly search­able voice actor pro­files and audio record­ings to make it eas­i­er for busy clients and voice actors to get con­nect­ed. The inter­net and the mobile rev­o­lu­tion are both at

Why having a New Media Job is worth it

Hav­ing a new media job these days can be extreme­ly reward­ing, not to men­tion high­ly ben­e­fi­cial. New media jobs are more sought after now than tra­di­tion­al media jobs have been in the last few years. New media jobs are over­tak­ing the stature and sta­tus of

Important Tips While Exploring Media Jobs

Search­ing for media jobs should take you along the same paths as you would trav­el with search­ing for any oth­er job. A lot of time and effort is required for your search, and you should not even com­mence until you have a sub­stan­tial­ly broad and

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10 Reasons why New Media Jobs are High in Demand

New media jobs are a buzz in the media com­mu­ni­ty but are also being rec­og­nized by the out­side world as some­thing tan­gi­ble and fruit­ful. The evo­lu­tion of the media indus­try from tra­di­tion­al means to dig­i­tal and online meth­ods has result­ed in many more new media

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10 Media Sales Jobs for the College Graduate

Being a recent col­lege grad­u­ate can be a daunt­ing posi­tion to be in. Try­ing to deter­mine what direc­tion to ven­ture in is always a tough deci­sion, espe­cial­ly if you aren’t sure what can be offered to you there. Media sales jobs are a promis­ing avenue