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Media Job Listings

Growth Hacker- Airenvy in San Francisco needs a Head of Marketing

Growth Hacker- Airenvy in San Francisco needs a Head of Marketing

Airen­vy in San Fran­cis­co is hir­ing a Growth Hack­er & Head of Mar­ket­ing that must hus­tle and imple­ment unique organ­ic growth tac­tics. Over­all this will require a hacker/scrappy men­tal­i­ty in addi­tion to help man­age con­ven­tion­al adver­tis­ing chan­nels. You must like to get things done, and

Growth Hacker - Via is hiring for its NYC team.

Growth Hacker — Via is hiring for its NYC team.

Via is hir­ing a Growth Hack­er to join its NYC team. Via is a bet­ter way to get around NYC. It’s a trans­porta­tion sweetspot, using cut­t­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy to deliv­er the things you real­ly care about: com­fort, speed, and low cost. As Growth Hack­er, you’ll rigorously

SoundCloud is seeking an Ear Glue Master, AKA. Product Manager, Connected Devices in New York

SoundCloud is seeking an Ear Glue Master, AKA. Product Manager New York

Sound­Cloud is the worlds lead­ing audio plat­form, scal­ing up with a rapid­ly grow­ing glob­al user base, and they’re look­ing for a Prod­uct Man­ag­er  New York for Con­nect­ed Devices to join the team. In this role, you’ll be respon­si­ble for help­ing Sound­Cloud users con­nect wher­ev­er they are.

Summer is over and New York’s Kitchensurfing needs a New Product Manager

Summer done and Kitchensurfing needs a New Product Manager New York

Ocean surf­ing is for ama­teurs, try being the Prod­uct Man­ag­er New York for Kitchen­surf­ing.  Kitchen­surf­ing is a glob­al mar­ket­place for peo­ple who love food. They are re-defin­ing the din­ing expe­ri­ence by direct­ly con­nect­ing chefs to din­ers, and in the process cre­at­ing a more inti­mate and rewarding

eBay Inc. in New York need a high speed, low drag, Senior Solutions Architect

eBay Inc. in New York need a high speed, low drag, Senior Solutions Architect

The eBay Inc. Mar­ket­ing Ana­lyt­ics Engi­neer­ing team in New York is cur­rent­ly seek­ing a Senior Solu­tions Archi­tect. eBay Enter­prise, for­mer­ly known as GSI Com­merce, is a lead­ing provider of com­merce tech­nolo­gies, omni-chan­nel oper­a­tions and mar­ket­ing solu­tions. GSI Com­merce has been dri­ving and evolv­ing the world