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SoundCloud is seeking an Ear Glue Master, AKA. Product Manager New York

Sound­Cloud is the worlds lead­ing audio plat­form, scal­ing up with a rapid­ly grow­ing glob­al user base, and they’re look­ing for a Prod­uct Man­ag­er  New York for Con­nect­ed Devices to join the team. In this role, you’ll be respon­si­ble for help­ing Sound­Cloud users con­nect wher­ev­er they are. Hon­est­ly, if you don’t know what Sound­Cloud is then you’re a goof­ball, I per­son­al­ly hate most online ser­vices, but even I use this plat­form. Big deal right here!

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So who is the ide­al Sound­Cloud Prod­uct Man­ag­er?

Well it’s some­one who can define SoundCloud’s con­nect­ed devices strat­e­gy & prod­uct vision. Work close­ly with a team of engi­neers to devel­op solu­tions (e.g SDKs) that meet mar­ket needs. Work with our part­ners to deliv­er seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed Sound­Cloud expe­ri­ences. Col­lab­o­rate with peer prod­uct man­agers and teams. Use data-dri­ven approach­es to deter­mine areas of improve­ment, tak­ing into con­sid­er­ing imple­men­ta­tion time, per­for­mance yield and oth­er trade-offs.

What are you going to need to even get in the door? First, you need that bach­e­lor’s degree or high­er edu­ca­tion in a rel­e­vant field (com­put­er sci­ence, infor­ma­tion man­age­ment, physics, maths…). 5+ years of prod­uct man­age­ment and/or engi­neer­ing expe­ri­ence, expe­ri­ence with agile method­ol­o­gy and dis­trib­uted teams. You have a deep under­stand­ing of the con­nect­ed device mar­ket (Speak­ers, TVs, Gam­ing Con­soles etc.). You’re famil­iar with stream­ing tech­nolo­gies (Audio/Video). You’ve helped devel­op an SDK. You have expe­ri­ence work­ing with exter­nal part­ners to cre­ate valu­able part­ner­ships. You WOW your col­leagues with your depth of knowl­edge and abil­i­ty to impart it. You have strong ana­lyt­i­cal and quan­ti­ta­tive skills and the abil­i­ty to use hard data and met­rics to back up assump­tions, rec­om­men­da­tions, and dri­ve actions. Love Uber details and jug­gling projects.

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Here’s what Sound­Cloud has to say about the ser­vice they offer:

Record­ing and upload­ing sounds to Sound­Cloud lets peo­ple eas­i­ly share them pri­vate­ly with their friends or pub­licly to blogs, sites and social net­works. It takes just a click to share sounds to Twit­ter, Tum­blr, Face­book and Foursquare. Sound­Cloud can be accessed any­where using the offi­cial iPhone and Android apps, as well as hun­dreds of cre­ation and shar­ing apps built on the Sound­Cloud platform.