Ever since the OcuÂlus Rift hit KickÂstarter sevÂerÂal years ago, VR enthuÂsiÂasts have been on the edge of their seats waitÂing for the brave new world powÂered by virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty… which to date has been slow to come at best and a dud at worst. OcuÂlus got swalÂlowed up by FaceÂbook and has been sitÂting in a pile of hopeÂful appliÂcaÂtions yet to come ever since. SamÂsung’s Gear VR is being pracÂtiÂcalÂly givÂen away on street corÂners in an attempt to gain users. EveryÂbody else in the game is expeÂriÂencÂing simÂiÂlar results.
That might be because as cool as it is to sit in one place and be able to expeÂriÂence conÂcerts or sports events from around the world in 3D while on your couch, and as cool as it is to be immersed inside of a game instead of playÂing as — realÂly — more of an observÂer of the action than a part, the holy grail of VR is still what most peoÂple dream of and are waitÂing for. AnyÂone who has read any of my posts regardÂing virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty, augÂmentÂed realÂiÂty, or the like know that I’m referÂring to, of course, a Holodeck-like experience.
True immerÂsion comes when we not only see the illuÂsion around us and can interÂact with it, but when we can move through it physÂiÂcalÂly. For those of you who feel the same way and have been anxÂiousÂly waitÂing for the Holodeck promise but bummed by the interÂim points leadÂing there, our wait might be finalÂly comÂing to an end. And the guy behind Atari and Chuck E. Cheese is bringÂing it.
That man is Nolan BushÂnell, who is someÂtimes even credÂitÂed with spawnÂing the modÂern video game indusÂtry. He was approached by Jason CrawÂford — anothÂer VR enthuÂsiÂast who got excitÂed over the OcuÂlus Rift — last year after CrawÂford had inventÂed the techÂnolÂoÂgy that will powÂer the Modal VR expeÂriÂence. And it will be an expeÂriÂence. The Modal VR proÂpriÂetary hardÂware comÂbined with existÂing softÂware will allow a VR expeÂriÂence that tracks every moveÂment of up to at least 10 peoÂple, wireÂlessÂly, across a space of 900,00 square feet. That’s roughÂly the length of a footÂball field squared.
Of course the headÂset is still bulky and ugly, but when you’re on the inside it doesÂn’t realÂly matÂter. In addiÂtion to the headÂset are straps that go across the arms, legs, and waist, and gloves. And the entire sysÂtem can supÂposÂedÂly be set up quickÂly anyÂwhere on the spot. GamÂing and expeÂriÂences like virÂtuÂal amuseÂment parks are the iniÂtial appliÂcaÂtions, of course, but BushÂnell and CrawÂford are invitÂing develÂopÂers to go wild and come up with whatÂevÂer appliÂcaÂtions they can. PosÂsiÂbilÂiÂties include eduÂcaÂtion, tourism, milÂiÂtary and police trainÂing, and much more.
Think about it. As kids we would all go in the backÂyard and preÂtend to fight batÂtles like in Star Wars. The next genÂerÂaÂtion could do the same thing but actuÂalÂly be able to see and hear the things we could only imagÂine. And that’s just the basics. If you’ve sideÂlined yourÂself to chasÂing VR as a career because of the slow going, your moment may finalÂly be here. Modal VR might be the virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty job you’ve been dreamÂing of.