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Tag Archives: Social Media

Tinder’s new NY-based rival Hinge nets big new investment

Social discovery/matchmaking net­work Hinge has bagged a hand­some $4.5 mil­lion in new invest­ment, despite appar­ent­ly being a clone of Tin­der. Struc­tured data not end­less swip­ing The more dis­cern­ing social media man­agers who read this head­line will, of course, already be on the look­out for distinguishing

Social media brings disappointing results for businesses

Recent­ly busi­ness­es have start­ed to ana­lyze the suc­cess of their social media cam­paigns and their social media man­agers are fac­ing a dis­ap­point­ing set of results. In a sur­vey car­ried out by Gallup, more than 62% of busi­ness­es claimed that their social media engage­ments had no

Buzzfeed — to raise its most massive investment yet?

Six months ago, we were report­ing on Buzzfeed’s record-break­ing prof­its, as the native advertising/viral content/news site con­tin­ued relent­less­ly on its seem­ing­ly unstop­pable upward tra­jec­to­ry. Accord­ing to Ven­ture­Beat, rumor has it that it’s now con­sid­er­ing a fifth fund­ing round which just might be as high as