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Can Virtual Reality be Actual Reality? NextVR Thinks So

How would you like to expe­ri­ence vir­tu­al real­i­ty as it hap­pens?  Live VR?  NextVR has built tech­nol­o­gy can immerse any­one into the ener­gy and the pas­sion of a live event. Should you want to work here?

How many of your friends or fam­i­ly have smart­phones? All of them, right? How about HDTVs? Prob­a­bly most of them any­way? There’s prob­a­bly a good por­tion that have the lat­est Xbox or PlaySta­tion, too not to men­tion var­i­ous oth­er high-tech gad­gets. Now, how many of them had these things ten years ago? That num­ber prob­a­bly drops dras­ti­cal­ly. Go back 15 years and you’re prob­a­bly using one hand to count.

That’s how tech­nol­o­gy goes. Bleed­ing-edgers are few and far between, and even investors shy away for the first few months or years with the next big thing. Then some­one jumps in head first, the mon­ey starts flow­ing in, devices become avail­able at the big box stores for fair­ly rea­son­able prices, and the next thing you know every­op­ne’s walk­ing around with a blue­tooth head­set in their ear. (side note: please don’t be one of those people).

Now, let’s revis­it the ini­tial ques­tion for a sec­ond. How many of your friends have a Sam­sung Gear VR head­set? I’m gonna guess none. Or maybe one. But they’re not that expen­sive, so what’s the holdup? Content.

Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty has been promised as long as fly­ing cars and jet­packs, but here we sit with­out both of those (check the links, how­ev­er). But even though US investors are still unsure about pour­ing mon­ey into VR, Asian investors — par­tic­u­lar­ly Chi­na — are open­ing their wal­lets at record speeds for what tru­ly is the next big thing.

And they’re giv­ing that mon­ey to NextVR, the com­pa­ny dri­ving the thing peo­ple are real­ly wait­ing for — VR con­tent worth view­ing. As you know,Media Jobs is always look­ing for the next big thing when it comes to employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, and we have an inkling that jobs at NextVR are going to be hot com­modi­ties in the near future. What kind of con­tent are they cre­at­ing, you ask? Well, in real­i­ty (par­don the pun) they’re not real­ly cre­at­ing con­tent, their adapt­ing it to make it more awe­some and more available.

For instance, let’s say you want­ed to see that one-time reunion con­cert of your all-time favorite band, but it’s hap­pen­ing across the globe and you just can’t jus­ti­fy the cost. NextVR might bring you a VR ver­sion of the show — live, as it’s hap­pen­ing — and you could watch it right in your home and feel like you’re there. How awe­some is that? Or maybe the Super Bowl, or the US open, or the Ken­tucky Der­by. Actu­al­ly, they’ve already done test runs with the lat­ter two. And, they’ve inked a deal with Live Nation to broad­cast ‘hun­dreds’ of con­certs in VR in the future, with the first one this summer.

Hav­ing recent­ly nabbed anoth­er $80 mil­lion in a sec­ond round of fund­ing, they’re well on their way to mak­ing Sam­sung very hap­py — since right now the Gear VR is the only com­pat­i­ble head­set. Nev­er fear, how­ev­er, because there are over 100 com­pa­nies in Chi­na mak­ing sim­i­lar prod­ucts right this very minute, and NextVR says that plen­ty will be com­pat­i­ble soon.

So if you’re look­ing for a job in VR but have been soured on the results so far, you may want to send a resume over to NextVR. They look poised to do some hir­ing soon. And the rest of us are look­ing for­ward to kick­ing back on our couch­es, don­ning our VR head­sets, and enjoy­ing the Journey/Doobie Broth­ers con­cert up close and per­son­al. Or is that just me?