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Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

Sprinklr is Up Close and Personal in a Big Way

What if you could talk to mil­lions of peo­ple one at a time and do it in less than 60 sec­onds.  Sprin­klr is the world’s first per­son­al­ized scal­able social media plat­form. Does any­one remem­ber Tweet­deck? It was one of the first social media man­age­ment platforms

Seattle Area Advertising Sales Manager Wanted

Seattle Area Advertising Sales Manager Wanted

If you have a suc­cess­ful track record of sell­ing adver­tis­ing and are ready for the next step then you may want to con­sid­er this Adver­tis­ing Sales Man­ag­er job at The Ren­ton Reporter, a divi­sion of Sound Pub­lish­ing, in Ren­ton Wash­ing­ton. Ren­ton is a sub­urb of

Sound Pubulishing Advertising Jobs in Bellevue and Kirkland Washington

Sound Publishing Advertising Jobs in Bellevue and Kirkland Washington

Do you enjoy work­ing in a fast-paced, cre­ative atmos­phere with uncapped earn­ing and career poten­tial? The largest com­mu­ni­ty news orga­ni­za­tion in Wash­ing­ton, Sound Pub­lish­ing, Inc., is look­ing for self-moti­­vat­ed mul­ti-media sales­peo­ple to join our Kirk­land and Belle­vue teams. At Sound, you will work in a bustling

These are the media jobs at companies of tomorrow here today

These are the Media Jobs of Tomorrow Here Today

Are you ready to work in the future? No, we haven’t dis­cov­ered a start­up that is ready to devel­op and mar­ket time machines. Not yet any­way, but we’re still look­ing. How about the media jobs of the future? That’s what we’re bring­ing you today, a list

Is Bittorrent Going to be Your New Cable Company?

Is Bittorrent Going to be Your New Cable Company?

When you’re con­sid­er­ing com­pa­nies to apply with for jobs in media, specif­i­cal­ly jobs in online video or stream­ing music, you might have com­pa­nies like Spo­ti­fy, Net­flix, or even Yout­Tube on that list. Most of you, we’re going to bet, don’t have Jobs at Bit­tor­rent on the