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Is Bittorrent Going to be Your New Cable Company?

When you’re con­sid­er­ing com­pa­nies to apply with for jobs in media, specif­i­cal­ly jobs in online video or stream­ing music, you might have com­pa­nies like Spo­ti­fy, Net­flix, or even Yout­Tube on that list. Most of you, we’re going to bet, don’t have Jobs at Bit­tor­rent on the list, even towards the bot­tom. Maybe you should recon­sid­er that.

You don’t want to work for a pirat­ing com­pa­ny, you say. That makes sense, con­sid­er­ing your employ­ment there could be in much more ten­u­ous than at oth­er, more legit­i­mate com­pa­nies. But what if Bit­tor­rent was com­plete­ly on the up and up? What if there was no pirat­ed con­tent at all? What if — although it sounds more than strange — there weren’t even any tor­rents involved? How over the top would that be?

Bit­tor­rent is mak­ing a bid to move into the stream­ing video and stream­ing music space and com­pete with the best of them. Well, sort of. The cat­a­log avail­able through the com­pa­ny’s newest ven­ture, known as Bit­tor­rent Now, will be most­ly artists you’ve nev­er heard of. How­ev­er, they will all be legit and the con­tent will be what’s been uploaded by the artists them­selves. What a strange twist. To untwist it slight­ly, the old famil­iar peer-to-peer dis­trib­uted net­work­ing mod­el will come back into play after the dust has set­tled, accord­ing to the company.

Nev­er­the­less, we already have YouTube, Vimeo, and oth­ers for online video. We have more play­ers than we can shake a stick at for stream­ing music. And how many peo­ple want to wade through thou­sands of artists they’ve nev­er heard of? Bit­tor­rent is hop­ing quite a few. In fact, they have grandiose visions of where things could go from here, which might even include replac­ing your cable tv with a host of indie films and videos (and music, we can’t for­get the music). Now that’s what we call OTT. Here are some cur­rent OTT Jobs.

But let’s keep things in real­i­ty for now. Bit­tor­rent Now is avail­able as an Android app cur­rent­ly, with iOS and Apple TV apps com­ing soon. And frankly it’s hard to imag­ine it com­pet­ing with the heavy hit­ters for main­stream dom­i­nance. On the flip side of that coin, Mil­len­ni­als have proven to be a fick­le bunch who love to buck tra­di­tion and find new ways of doing almost any­thing, so there could be a sol­id future in store for the com­pa­ny best known for — let’s be hon­est — crim­i­nal activ­i­ty. And as I recall, Pan­do­ra and oth­er sim­i­lar ser­vices were sup­posed to be “music dis­cov­ery” ser­vices that would bring new stuff into our lives that we might nit have dis­cov­ered oth­er­wise. Any­one who’s lis­tened to Pan­do­ra in recent years would­n’t have a clue that was an orig­i­nal pur­pose of the service.

Media Jobs isn’t in the busi­ness of pre­dict­ing win­ners and losers, so we’ll keep this unbi­ased. For those who love to find the next big thing years before any­one else has heard of it or them, Bit­tor­rent Now sounds like a dream come true. As long as they’re dis­il­lu­sioned with Sound­Cloud. And var­i­ous oth­er offer­ings. Still, the com­pa­ny is def­i­nite­ly resilient, and resilience goes a long way in a cli­mate that’s as steady and con­stant as a lava lamp. So maybe they will be your new cable com­pa­ny. Who knows?

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