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NY based StrikeAd ramps up APAC operations with new GM

Mobile adver­tis­ing start­up StrikeAd is tak­ing a big leap for­ward with a new gen­er­al man­ag­er, Ryan Mur­ray, for its Sin­ga­pore and APAC office.

Smarter mobile adver­tis­ing for smarter agencies

Peo­ple with media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies will almost cer­tain­ly have heard of this New York start­up, which was found­ed in 2010. As we report­ed in Octo­ber 2012, its unique Demand Side Plat­form (DSP) deliv­ers quick, trans­par­ent plan­ning and opti­mized ad deliv­ery for agen­cies and adver­tis­ers involved in glob­al cam­paigns. And with its acqui­si­tion of mobile ad tech start­up AdMo­bius that year, it added anoth­er for­mi­da­ble mobile adver­tis­ing weapon to its arse­nal: the latter’s patent­ed Audi­ence Man­age­ment Plat­form (AMP). AMP proved itself capa­ble of unlock­ing the deep­er val­ue of mobile data by ana­lyz­ing and intel­li­gent­ly inter­pret­ing mobile users’ demo­graph­ic and inter­est-based information.

And now it’s appoint­ed a vet­er­an of online and mobile adver­tis­ing to the helm of its Sin­ga­pore office, which sig­nals that it’s plan­ning to do some seri­ous­ly heavy-duty  busi­ness in that part of the world. Mr. Mur­ray worked for four years with the NY ad devel­op­ment firm, Col­lec­tive, before join­ing StrikeAd, where he spent the last two years as GM, Americas,in its New York headquarters.

A big step to glob­al expan­sion 

You don’t need a PhD in geog­ra­phy to fig­ure out that a very size­able part of the world will now come under Murray’s new remit. Coun­tries include Aus­tralia and New Zealand, South­east Asia, South Korea, Chi­na and Japan.

Com­ment­ing on his appoint­ment, Mur­ray said:

“Over the past two and a half years, it’s been huge­ly excit­ing to be lead­ing a busi­ness that’s seen excep­tion­al growth in the Amer­i­c­as as we’ve seen mobile pro­gram­mat­ic become an ever more impor­tant part of adver­tis­ing bud­gets. Adver­tis­ers and agen­cies are look­ing to take advan­tage of the unique capa­bil­i­ties that mobile brings, such as loca­tion, and are also look­ing to have the greater degree of con­trol, insight and scale that work­ing with a mobile DSP brings.”

This hot lit­tle start­up is get­ting big­ger and big­ger. It doesn’t stand still for a moment: this month, it also announced a part­ner­ship with LA-based geolo­ca­tion data provider Fac­tu­al to draw on the latter’s immense geolo­ca­tion data­base on a glob­al basis (it had already been doing so to good effect in the US).