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New strategic partnership announced between StrikeAd and AdMobius

The world of mobile adver­tis­ing has tak­en an evo­lu­tion­ary leap for­ward with a new part­ner­ship between two high­ly inno­v­a­tive mobile start-ups, StrikeAd and AdMobius.

StrikeAd, found­ed in 2010 by mobile adver­tis­ing crack­er­jack Alex Rah­man, quick­ly attract­ed a good deal of invest­ment with its unique Demand Side Plat­form (DSP), a sys­tem that per­mits fast, trans­par­ent plan­ning and opti­mized deliv­ery for mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies engaged in glob­al cam­paigns.  Buy­ers and plan­ners can use DSP to reduce costs and time when run­ning cam­paigns across numer­ous Sup­ply Side Plat­forms, get­ting bet­ter data, greater con­trol and bet­ter ROI.  In just two years, the company’s staff count has risen to 55 and it has offices in Chica­go, Los Ange­les, New York, Lon­don, Kiev and Singapore.

A mobile revolution?

The rise of star­tups spe­cial­iz­ing in the mobile mar­ket is becom­ing news in itself, espe­cial­ly as almost three quar­ters of SMBs in the US plan to increase or at least main­tain their spend­ing on mobile adver­tis­ing over the next year.  Mobile phone adver­tis­ing has become big and is set to get big­ger, with sales of a sin­gle gad­get, the iPhone5, alone fore­cast to boost the US economy.

But what’s so impor­tant about the new strate­gic part­ner­ship with AdMo­bius? The answer lies in the fact that AdMo­bius, like StrikeAd, has devel­oped a “world’s first” tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tion, that being its patent­ed Audi­ence Man­age­ment Plat­form (AMP).  This ana­lyzes and inter­prets unique inter­est-based and demo­graph­ic infor­ma­tion, unlock­ing the deep val­ue of mobile data.  The com­pa­ny already has strong part­ner­ships with a mul­ti­tude of mobile phones adver­tis­ing agen­cies, huge­ly enhanc­ing the per­for­mance and reach of their ad campaigns.

More nuanced data, greater privacy

The com­bi­na­tion of StrikeAd’s DSP and AdMo­bius’ AMP promis­es a major advance in the per­for­mance and rel­e­vance of ad cam­paigns, enhanc­ing the former’s tar­get­ing capa­bil­i­ties with the latter’s high qual­i­ty behav­ioral and demo­graph­ic data.  For its part, AdMo­bius stands to ben­e­fit from the pow­er­ful chan­nel offered by StrikeAd for reach­ing brands.

Refer­ring to the new part­ner­ship agreed with AdMo­bius CEO Dan Grig­orovi­ci, StrikeAd CEO Alex Rah­man said, “With AdMo­bius, we’ll be able to offer our clients a deep­er under­stand­ing of mobile audi­ences, which will facil­i­tate more trans­par­ent and focused brand seg­ment buys.  Dan and his expe­ri­enced team will also help us inno­vate com­pelling new audi­ence seg­ments for mobile adver­tis­ing, all whilst uphold­ing our high stan­dards of user pri­va­cy.”