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Marriot and Samsung turn your Hotel room into a Virtual Reality Fantasy Hub!

Mar­riot hotels is tri­al­ing a new enter­tain­ment ser­vice that would bring Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty into your rooms with a Sam­sung VR head­set and head­phones. The team up of Mar­riot and Sam­sung are call­ing it the “Vroom Ser­vice” and are test­ing it for a cou­ple of week in their New York and Lon­don hotels. The VR head­sets and head­phones will be deliv­ered direct to a guest’s bed­room where they can enjoy an “in-room vir­tu­al real­i­ty trav­el experience.”

Last Sep­tem­ber Mar­riot had tried a full sen­so­ry sim­u­la­tor that uti­lized an Ocu­lus Rift heas­d­set with envi­ron­men­tal con­trol (i.e., wind, smell, tem­per­a­ture) for giv­ing vir­tu­al guid­ed tours of Hawaii and London.

Coin­cid­ing with the Vroom Ser­vice will be “VR Post­cards”, an all-new VR con­tent plat­form that pro­vides an “inti­mate and immer­sive trav­el sto­ries that users expe­ri­ence in 360 3D via a vir­tu­al real­i­ty head­set”. Matthew Car­roll VP at Mar­riot Hotels says “VRoom com­bines sto­ry­telling with tech­nol­o­gy, two things that are impor­tant to next gen­er­a­tion trav­el­ers.” Some of your first VR expe­ri­ences will be an ice-cream shop in Rwan­da, Chile’s Andes Moun­tains, and the streets of Beijing.

If VR just isn’t your thing, Mar­riot also locked down Net­flix (jobs at Net­flix) for your hotel room TV. Sweet!

So you ask your­self, what else besides vir­tu­al tours is going on with the Sam­sung VR head­set? Do you like the Orchestra?

Start­ed Sep­tem­ber 11th and run­ning through Octo­ber, the LA Philharmonic’s Immor­tal Beethoven fes­ti­val at the Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall will be avail­able this month as a down­load called Orches­tra VR from the Sam­sung VR and Ocu­lus Rift app stores. This VR app puts you in the mid­dle of an orches­tra as it per­forms Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

This is the first time the Los Ange­les Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra has pro­duced vir­tu­al real­i­ty con­tent that puts you in the mid­dle of a sym­pho­ny per­for­mance as it plays Beethoven. Work­ing with the inter­ac­tive agency Secret Loca­tion, it was shot in the Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall with mod­i­fied Go-Pro’s to cre­ate 3D spher­i­cal cameras.

The project lever­ages Ocu­lus (jobs at Ocu­lus) tech­nol­o­gy with the Sam­sung Gear VR head­set that puts you right into the sym­pho­ny hall. You’ll have a 360 degree view of the per­for­mance from all angles, per­haps more engag­ing is the light show and amaz­ing use of enhanced colors.

For five weeks, the LA Phil­har­mon­ic is cre­at­ed an arti­fi­cial envi­ron­ment out of a con­vert­ed truck where you will be able to expe­ri­ence the orches­tra right down to the seat­ing and car­pet­ing, but you’ll be view­ing the expe­ri­ence through the head­sets. The truck will be dri­ving around to art walks, muse­ums, parks, the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Fair, the annu­al Kore­an fes­ti­val, and many oth­er events to share this expe­ri­ence. It’s being called Van Beethoven.

Yes, we know that Sam­sung isn’t the only black stal­lion in the VR game. News is that the for­mer CEO and co-founder of smart­phone com­pa­ny HTC has joined forces with visu­al effects stu­dio Dig­i­tal Domains in Hong Kong. Peter Chou’s move seems very strate­gic con­sid­er­ing HTC (jobs at HTC) is now releas­ing their own VR head­set which is get­ting much notice because of its high qual­i­ty spa­cial con­trol, min­i­miz­ing VR motion nausea.

Dig­i­tal Domain has worked on the visu­als for more than 100 movies, includ­ing Iron Man 3, the Trans­form­ers series, and Titan­ic. It appears HTC is plan­ning much more than just a VR gam­ing and enter­tain­ment plat­form; med­ical sci­ence, train­ing, archi­tec­ture and inter­est zones yet to be thought up. This expan­sion into new ter­ri­to­ry sounds very much like the VR com­pa­ny zSpace we recent­ly wrote about. Dig­i­tal Domain has always pushed the enve­lope in motion cap­ture and com­put­er gen­er­at­ed imagery, so the syn­er­gy between the hard­ware, soft­ware and con­tent could rev­o­lu­tion­ize media.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly you’ll have to wait till the begin­ning of 2016 to get one and you may have to stand in line since ini­tial quan­ti­ties will be limited.