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Mobile ad tech startup TapCommerce now belongs to Twitter

Re/code jour­nal­ist Ina Fried has revealed that New York’s mobile tech start­up Tap­Com­merce has just been acquired by Twit­ter. Found­ed in 2012, Tap­Com­merce rapid­ly estab­lished itself as a leader in mobile ad retar­get­ing. As any prod­uct man­ag­er famil­iar with the process could tes­ti­fy, while it’s

Mobile advertising startup TapSense sets it sights on wearables

Mobile adver­tis­ing start­up TapSense has announced that its mobile ad exchange will now sup­port wear­able apps, start­ing with Peb­ble. There can’t be many peo­ple with media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies who haven’t noticed the pro­gres­sive rise of wear­able gad­gets. And TapSense fig­ures that can

GeoMarketing startup Yext heads for IPO and international expansion

Yext, the New York-based ‘Geo­Mar­ket­ing’ com­pa­ny, appears to be head­ing for an IPO after rais­ing a wal­lop­ing $50 mil­lion in Series F. Prod­uct man­agers who think the word “Geo­Mar­ket­ing” sounds cool but feel baf­fled about what it means should read on. Essen­tial­ly, Yext’s Soft­­ware-as-a-Ser­vice capabilities

‘Placed’ location analytics start-up coming to New York

New York’s busi­ness world is to have a new play­er after Seat­­tle-based loca­tion ana­lyt­ics start­up ‘Placed’ raised $10 mil­lion and decid­ed to open an office in the Big Apple. From loca­­tion-based ads to store vis­its Since its launch in 2011, Placed has been steadi­ly build­ing a