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Mobile attribution measurement startup AppsFlyer launches AppsFlyer for Agencies

Mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies have a new mea­sure­ment tool to play with in the shape of AppsFlyer’s new offer­ing, “Apps­Fly­er for Agencies.”

An inte­grat­ed solu­tion for a frag­ment­ed mar­ket 

Any­one with media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing will know how dev­il­ish­ly com­pli­cat­ed it is to mea­sure user attri­bu­tion in this frag­ment­ed mar­ket; now, New York’s Apps­Fly­er has a dig­i­tal, last-mile solu­tion for them. The startup’s mar­ket­ing VP, Ran Avra­hamy, told Ven­ture­Beat jour­nal­ist John Koet­si­er that many agen­cies had been “left behind” in the brand stam­pede to mobile adver­tis­ing, large­ly because of “the lack of tools to oper­ate in this fast-grow­ing, frag­ment­ed market.”

The fig­ures speak for them­selves: few­er than half of mar­keters present­ly use agen­cies to help gen­er­ate mobile app installs, and the chief rea­son is that agen­cies sim­ply haven’t had the exper­tise at their dis­pos­al – or the tools – to pro­duce the results.

AppsFlyer’s answer? Here’s how its CEO Oren Kaniel described it in a recent press release:

“Apps­Fly­er sim­pli­fies mobile mar­ket­ing for agen­cies, free­ing them from com­plex inte­gra­tions and mul­ti­ple SDK updates. We allow them to focus on their growth tar­gets with the best tools designed espe­cial­ly for the mobile environment.”

It has to be said that anoth­er big plus for agen­cies is AppsFlyer’s com­par­a­tive­ly vast reach. To deliv­er max­i­mum traf­fic for its clients, it aggre­gates over 450 ad part­ners, includ­ing major play­ers like Google, Opera, Face­book, Chart­boost and AdColony.

Flaw­less performance

The new prod­uct lets agen­cies build nonor­gan­ic down­load num­bers for their client’s apps after launch­ing their mobile adver­tis­ing cam­paigns (the com­pa­ny deliv­ers near­ly 2 bil­lion app installs annu­al­ly). And they get crys­tal clear data on ROI, costs and installs to boot. Apps­fly­er for Agen­cies also lets them see which of the chan­nels are per­form­ing the best (e.g. social, or search), so that they can redis­trib­ute adver­tis­ing dol­lars accord­ing­ly. Final­ly, it allows agen­cies to mon­i­tor and mea­sure pay­back peri­ods and life-time val­ue of users.

One agency is already singing the product’s prais­es. Jere­my Siegel, Super­vi­sor of Dig­i­tal Invest­ment & Mobile mar­ket­ing at OMD, said:

“The abil­i­ty to track attri­bu­tion across paid social, net­work and pub­lish­er part­ners, plus a sim­ple cost-struc­ture that doesn’t force us to ration out per­for­mance met­rics, made the deci­sion to use Apps­Fly­er a no-brainer.”

He added:

“So far, their SDK has worked flaw­less­ly and the Apps­Fly­er team has pro­vid­ed incred­i­ble support.”

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