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Companies & People

Is Donny Deutsch Embracing the Digital Age?

Is Donny Deutsch Embracing the Digital Age?

TV pre­sen­ter, impre­sario and media guru – all of these can be used to describe the ubiq­ui­tous Don­ny Deutsch, but in the fast-mov­ing dig­i­tal age, has he got what it takes to make sure his own busi­ness keeps up with the tech? Deutsch has spent over

Glen Gilmore – A Social Media Expert with Credentials

Glen Gilmore – A Social Media Expert with Credentials

Heard of Glen Gilmore? If you have the chances are you’ve won­dered whether he’s a social media expert, politi­cian or ex-mil­i­­tary man. The fact is, he’s all three. With over 200,000 fol­low­ers on Twit­ter, a legal prac­tise spe­cial­iz­ing in social media law and a posi­tion with

Noah Kagan – Eccentric Genius or Maverick?

Noah Kagan – Maverick or Eccentric Genius?

He cuts a mer­cu­r­ial shape across the tech land­scape, but the famous­ly for­mer Face­book #30 Noah Kagan has final­ly put the record straight and moved on. Kagan’s noto­ri­ous ejec­tion from Face­book Tow­ers in 2006 has passed into tech folk­lore as a les­son in how not to

Prismatic: Hoping to Succeed Where Other News Aggregators Have Failed

Want news that rel­e­vant to you? Want it deliv­ered direct to your smart­phone? You’d bet­ter check out start­up news aggre­ga­tor Pris­mat­ic. This is one com­pa­ny that seem to have rewrit­ten the rule­book when it comes to online news and could pro­vide some great oppor­tu­ni­ties for

BarrettSF – a fledgling ad shop with veteran talent advertising account executive

BarrettSF — a fledgling ad shop with veteran talent

The fam­i­ly of online adver­tis­ing agen­cies has an addi­tion­al mem­ber this month, with the launch of fledg­ling ad shop bar­rettSF. Aspir­ing art direc­tors, copy­writ­ers and account man­agers may feel stirred into strik­ing out on their own after hear­ing the San Fran­cis­co startup’s sto­ry. It’s the

What does SoPost Mean for the Future of Mail Delivery?

How many times have you ordered some­thing online, only to miss the deliv­ery? Accord­ing to the founders of the lat­est app on the block, SoPost, failed first-time deliv­er­ies have direct costs of almost £1 bil­lion in the UK alone and this issue is some­thing the

Resultly – Heralding the Advent of Web 3.0?

Want to search for media jobs quick­ly, with­out being bom­bard­ed with ads and irrel­e­vant infor­ma­tion? You’d bet­ter try Result­ly. Imag­ine the scene: you’re sat at your lap­top search­ing for infor­ma­tion on the lat­est iPhone or you’re on the hunt for a new job. You want

Want to Know Where Your Charity Dollars Are Going? Try Bright Funds.

If you want to know what hap­pens to the cash you give to non-prof­its and be able to man­age your giv­ing more effec­tive­ly, San Fran­cis­co start­up Bright Funds might just be able to help. Today’s tech-savvy, mil­len­ni­al phil­an­thropist and par­tic­u­lar­ly those in media jobs are demanding

Celebrities are doing it for themselves. Or not.

Mari­ah has her chew­ing gum hold­er and J‑Lo has an inte­ri­or design­er as part of her enrourage. Celebri­ties are known for not doing much for them­selves and now they can have their social media man­aged for them by start­up theAu­di­ence. If you’re in the market