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Media Jobs

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2016: New Job Prospects

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2016: New Job Prospects

Techcrunch Dis­rupt brought over 100 new star­tups to Brook­lyn NY from May 9th the 11th 2016 for three days of pre­sen­ta­tions, meet and greets and new ideas.  Media Jobs talked with a num­ber of them. Here is our first sam­pling of some of the inter­est­ing innovations

ed tech company the learning company

The Ed Tech Company Worth over $1 Billion Dollars

Can any­one make mon­ey sell­ing ed tech?  One com­pa­ny thinks so and could be val­ued at over $1 bil­lion dol­lars. It all starts with the ABC’s with the mega kids app called ABC­mouse. The holy grail for jobs at app com­pa­nies or oth­er tech jobs or

5 Tips for Landing a Social Media Job

5 Tips for Landing a Social Media Job

So you’re look­ing for a social media job, but you aren’t sure what kind of qual­i­fi­ca­tions you might need or what the pay is like? Don’t feel too bad, even many of the com­pa­nies hir­ing a social media man­ag­er can’t answer those ques­tions objec­tive­ly. The truth

Is Virtual Reality going to make your dreams come true?

Is Virtual Reality going to make your dreams come true?

So what has been the largest trend that we have real­ly been notic­ing the last two months at Why it’s vir­tu­al real­i­ty media con­tent of course! So we may be on the cusp of a par­a­digm shift of engage­ment and inter­ac­tiv­i­ty that will change

Sales Manager for Efficio Solutions in Columbus Ohio

Job Descrip­tion Title: Sales Man­ag­er for Effi­cio Solu­tions Depart­ment: Sales – Colum­bus, OH Reports to: Co-Pres­i­­dent – Sales & Mar­ket­ing Effi­cio Solu­tions is look­ing for an ener­getic and expe­ri­enced Sales Man­ag­er to join their team. Effi­cio Solu­tions pro­vides CRM, Yield Man­age­ment and Pro­pos­al solu­tions for clients of

Why You Want to Work at Amazon

Why You Want to Work at Amazon

After read­ing the recent New York Times arti­cle  Inside Ama­zon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruis­ing Work­place  it occurred to me that the arti­cle wasn’t real­ly about Ama­zon being a dif­fi­cult place to work but rather the sto­ry of Ama­zon being the place to be