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Story Editor job at audiochuck

Job as Story Editor – Full or Part Time Remote or Indianapolis

If you enjoy telling sto­ries the Sto­ry Edi­tor role could be a great job for you! audiochuck is an Indi­anapo­lis-based media com­pa­ny focused on bring­ing their fans edge-of-your-seat sto­ry­telling that speaks to the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of pod­cast lis­ten­ers. This Sto­ry Edi­tor job offers can­di­dates the opportunity

why you want to work at snapchat

Why You Want to Work at Snapchat

Work­ing at Snapchat is so much fun it was hard to get work done. That’s what some Snap employ­ees are say­ing. But with an audi­ence of over 300 mil­lion peo­ple who use Snapchat every month this could be the place to work at if you

2000 Jobs at Comcast - Why Work at Comcast?

2000 Jobs at Comcast — Why Work at Comcast?

Hard to believe but Com­cast, with $80 Bil­lion dol­lars in rev­enues, was found­ed in Tupe­lo Mis­sis­sip­pi. In 1963, Ralph J. Roberts in con­junc­tion with his two busi­ness part­ners, Daniel Aaron and Julian A. Brod­sky, pur­chased Amer­i­can Cable Sys­tems as a cor­po­rate spin-off from its parent,

Assignment Editor NBC TV Bay Area

Assignment Editor for NBC TV in San Jose

One of the largest enter­tain­ment com­pa­nies in the world needs an Assign­ment Edi­tor for their tele­vi­sion sta­tion in the Bay Area locat­ed in San Jose Cal­i­for­nia. This is a free­lance posi­tion. Apply for the Assign­ment Edi­tor posi­tion by send­ing a cov­er let­ter and resume to: The

Out of Home Advertising Gets Personal and Social

Out of Home Advertising Gets Personal and Social

Is per­son­al­iza­tion becom­ing a real­i­ty in out of home adver­tis­ing?  Two tech­no­log­i­cal­ly dri­ven com­pa­nies, who recent­ly pre­sent­ed at Ad Tech in New York, could be sell­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of per­son­al­iza­tion. Tucked away amongst hun­dreds of booths in a dis­creet cor­ner of the Ad Tech exhibit