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E-Commerce Media News

Soundcloud - Should I work there?

Why You Want to Work at Soundcloud

Sound­cloud is the largest of most of the stream­ing sites. For those of you who are well versed in the busi­ness world of stream­ing music, I already know what you’re think­ing. The rumors of Sound­cloud’s demise have been wide­spread for some time now, and who

What can BlockAI and the blockchain do for you?

What can BlockAI and blockchain technology do for you?

Blockchain tech­nol­o­gy will change your life.  But how you ask? When I was younger I played in sev­er­al bands, and in some we wrote our own music. My longest run­ning and most suc­cess­ful ven­ture (which con­sist­ed of two record­ed albums and most­ly free beer for pay­ment from

QVC Program Host Lifestyle On Air Host National Search

QVC Lifestyle On Air Program Host National Search

Do you have expe­ri­ence host­ing on tele­vi­sion, web broad­casts, radio, lifestyle pro­gram­ming, trade shows or live events? QVC, who sells over $4 bil­lion dol­lars of prod­ucts is look­ing for some­one who is pas­sion­ate about prod­ucts and sales for a live Full Time QVC Pro­gram on Air

Waygo Translation App takes you out for Chinese

Waygo Translation App takes you out for Chinese

Ryan  Rogows­ki, CEO and Cofounder of San Fran­cis­co based Way­go Trans­la­tion App believes that with­in our life­time, we’ll be able to trans­late and speak mul­ti­ple lan­guages flu­ent­ly with the help of tech­nol­o­gy. “I think lan­guage as a bar­ri­er is being solved and it’s an exciting

Is the Operator App a media game changer?

Is the Operator App a Media Game Changer?

Have you heard of the Oper­a­tor App? In the old days, we con­sumers would go through the ardu­ous and time con­sum­ing process of get­ting dressed, get­ting in our vehi­cles, and actu­al­ly phys­i­cal­ly dri­ving to a store — or sev­er­al stores — to buy some­thing. Then we

How much money can you make in VR?

How much Money can you make in VR?

As a race, we humans have final­ly hit the wall. Real­i­ty just does­n’t cut it any­more. We need vir­tu­al real­ty ( VR ), aug­ment­ed real­i­ty. mixed real­i­ty. It’s evo­lu­tion. It’s progress. It’s what all the cool kids are talk­ing about. And it’s about to be