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Tesla – Why you want to work at Tesla The Future of Cars – 1000 Jobs Available

Why is Tes­la on  Because soft­ware is media and soft­ware is the engine of today’s car.

For decades we’ve been promised that the future of cars is right around the cor­ner. Fly­ing cars, self-dri­ving cars, elec­tric cars, you name it. In the last decade we’ve final­ly seen some strides being made on every auto­mo­tive front imag­in­able, but then hor­ri­ble prod­ucts like the Chevy Volt dri­ve us right back to our old stan­dard gas-guz­zling cars of yes­ter­year. But despite the short­com­ings or out­right fail­ings of many of these attempt­ed advances, there’s one com­pa­ny that has been a plea­sure to watch and antic­i­pate — Tesla.

Tesla Makes Real, Great Electric Cars

Tes­la is a true rev­o­lu­tion in the auto­mo­tive indus­try, and their vehi­cles are noth­ing short of awe­some. The only down­side is that for the aver­age per­son they have been too far out of our price range. Sure, there are plen­ty of oth­er car makes and mod­els that are more expen­sive, but when you’re try­ing to bring the elec­tric car to mass­es a start­ing price of over $65,000 isn’t going to make the kids of inroads you want. Not that you don’t get what you pay for.

In addi­tion to being recharge­able elec­tric cars and get­ting much more range out of a charge than their com­pe­ti­tion, they also sport next-gen­er­a­tion tech­nol­o­gy like heads-up dis­plays on the wind­shield and are qui­et­ly becom­ing one of the lead­ers in the for-the-mass­es self dri­ving car cat­e­go­ry. Wait, you ask, aren’t you con­tra­dict­ing your­self by claim­ing that they’re too expen­sive for the mass­es but that they are for the mass­es? Ah, we get to the next point…

Introducing the Tesla Model 3, and Job Reporting to Elon Himself

Pro­duc­tion is set to begin in July on the Tes­la Mod­el 3. Why is this big? The Mod­el 3 isn’t a new car, per se. It’s a small­er, sim­pler, scaled-down ver­sion of the exist­ing mod­els, but much more afford­able with a start­ing price around $35,000 — about half the Mod­el S. But the price is just the begin­ning. The Mod­el 3 has Tes­la’s Autopi­lot sys­tem on board, a machine learn­ing safe­ty sys­tem designed to take over dri­ving duties when reg­u­la­tions and laws allow. In fact, one ana­lyst believes that the Mod­el 3 will be 3–10 times safer than the aver­age car on the road because of these fea­tures. And safe­ty is the num­ber one con­sid­er­a­tion for car buy­ers today.

It gets bet­ter. Because the Autopi­lot sys­tem uses machine learn­ing, it will become smarter — and safer — over the years, poten­tial­ly mak­ing it a bet­ter car five years down the road than it was the day it was bought. Now that’s for­ward-think­ing. Alright, their cars are great and their tech­nol­o­gy is great, but why are they being high­light­ed here on Media Jobs?

Because Tes­la has a lot of job open­ings, and they’re espe­cial­ly look­ing for “hard­core soft­ware engi­neers” to work on the Autopi­lot sys­tem, no pri­or expe­ri­ence with cars required. Accord­ing to tweets from Mr. Musk, he will be per­son­al­ly inter­view­ing for the posi­tions, and Autopi­lot employ­ees report direct­ly to him. Wan­na work for a vision­ary com­pa­ny run by a vision­ary entre­pre­neur and report direct­ly to him? That’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty that does­n’t come along very often.

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