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All posts by Lisa Calgrove

Hulu is where you want to work heres why

Why a Job at Hulu is Better than Netflix

Here is why a job at Hulu could be bet­ter than work­ing at Net­flix. Hulu is bring­ing on big brand names and exist­ing audi­ences to grow their sub­scriber base.  They just intro­duced live tv sta­tions and the top pay tv ser­vices. While Hulu’s 32 million

why you want to work at magic leap

Why a Magic Leap Job Could be for You

If you are inter­est­ed in vir­tu­al real­i­ty, then Mag­ic Leap may be the com­pa­ny for you. Non-shock­­ing, non-spoil­er alert of the day: vir­tu­al real­i­ty is the next big thing. Yawn, of course it is. We’re just sit­ting here wait­ing for the prod­uct that’s going to

Advertising Media Jobs Are on the Rise

Advertising Media Jobs Are on the Rise

Adver­tis­ing media jobs are abun­dant nowa­days due to the emer­gence of many Inter­net-based media and oth­er alter­na­tive options for infor­ma­tion replac­ing the old prac­tice of read­ing news papers and mag­a­zines alone. Gone are the days when a fresh adver­tis­ing grad­u­ate land­ing his first job ever

Mobile advertising startup Celtra nets $4 million in new investment

Mobile adver­tis­ing start­up Cel­tra, which offers ad dis­play tech­nol­o­gy and ana­lyt­ics, has just bagged anoth­er $4 mil­lion in invest­ment, just two years after secur­ing a $5 mil­lion Series A round back in Jan­u­ary 2011. The cur­rent round was led by Soft­Bank Cap­i­tal, whose man­ag­ing part­ner Ron