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All posts by Lisa Calgrove

Tony Filson — Filcro Media Staffing

Tony Fil­son is Pres­i­dent & CEO at Fil­cro Media Staffing, a recruit­ment com­pa­ny estab­lished in 1985 which deals with the high­ly spe­cial­ized staffing con­cerns of com­pa­nies with­in the pub­lic and pri­vate media broad­cast­ing indus­tries. Recruit­ing from man­ag­er to C lev­el posi­tions, the com­pa­ny has worked

ABC and Univision Becomes

ABC and Univision Becomes News Duo

An agree­ment finalised by news giant ABC and US Span­ish lan­guage TV net­work Uni­vi­sion last week will see the first 24-hour Eng­lish news chan­nel to direct­ly cater for America’s fast-grow­ing His­pan­ic audi­ence. Talks between ABC and Uni­vi­sion began in ear­ly 2012, and in May the

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Media Jobs

Basic Tips Applic­a­ble when Search­ing for Media Jobs The media indus­try is a very vast indus­try. It com­pris­es of many job oppor­tu­ni­ties; a fac­tor which makes search­ing for media jobs too over­whelm­ing in nature. This is espe­cial­ly true for those who are novice to the media