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All posts by James Todd

Business Development Jobs in Chicago

Lots of Great Business Development Manager Jobs in Chicago

Busi­ness Devel­op­ment is one of the fastest grow­ing roles in Amer­i­ca.  Today’s busi­ness is high­ly focused on build­ing sales and Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­agers are in high demand. In Chica­go, the third largest city in Amer­i­ca with close to 3 mil­lion peo­ple, there are over 1,300

Here Media Programmatic Yield Manager, Los Angeles

Programmatic Yield Manager, Los Angeles

The Pro­gram­mat­ic Yield Man­ag­er will dri­ve the growth and opti­miza­tion of Here Media’s non-direct rev­enue. This posi­tion is a crit­i­cal mix of tech­ni­cal know-how, appli­ca­tion, sales and rate analy­sis. This indi­vid­ual will be close­ly involved in every aspect of ad serv­ing, inven­to­ry and non-direct revenue